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Posts posted by theclown

  1. If you got a second partition: Just install a fresh Windows and test it again.

    For me it worked. I didnt change anything @ BIOS or other sys-configs.

    For me it seems to be a specific ATI problem (hardly everybody got the 4870)...

    For me the fresh install worked and now i have no problems at all, even on evolution

  2. What I also relized was that (i use a G15 with display) when I got the "bug", I had 25-30 frames. But every 5-10 seconds there was a "refresh", a beating.

    5secs ~25frames, then 1/2sec 0fps, then again 5secs 25fps...

    Im quite sure that you will have the same issue.

    Anybody who got the bug and a G15 keyboard, please test it with Fraps.

  3. Hi,

    I've got the game since release and didn't have the "Receiving"-Bug such often since I have patched to final 1.01.

    When I play Evolution Marines 0.2 I get the blackscreen with the message hardle every 5minutes. If I press on "Respawn" or get killed, the games goes on normally at the respawn-point.

    My sys:


    2gig RAM

    4870 (1gig)

    vista sp1

    25mbit connection

    Whats the problem, do I need more memory? Its unplayable if the fuckin blackscreen comes every 5 minutes...

    Second problem:

    When I make a restart, the PC cant find the DVD (which is already inserted)...

    Its the german release.

    So I have to open the drive and close it again. Then the PC can read from the DVD. A friend has the same problem. So its not just because of my drive and he tested it on Vista and on XP...same problem!
