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About De_willy

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  1. I use the same settings. 100% fillrate, medium AA @ 1680*1050. Runs smooth as a babies ass and look frigging great.
  2. De_willy

    Patch 1.03

    Patience is a virtue... The support (patches a.o.) will come. ;)
  3. De_willy

    Post processing - Blur ?

    I disables the post processing effects and it was gone. I believe there is some sort of "motion blur/bloom removal mod" out here on the forums.
  4. Goddamned, i just bought the game yesterday through nexway because i couldn't stand the wait for the demo any longer. :p
  5. Haha, those screens of the "cow encounter" put a smile on my face. :)
  6. De_willy

    Flying difficulty?

    Can i use the pedals from a steering wheel together with a joystick? :p
  7. Start the editor, place a littlebird or something similar on the battlefield and explore the surroundings. After that i'll probably play some single player to get used tot he game and afterwards i'll hop into the mp (coop) part of the game. Really looking forward to it. excuse me for typo's a.o. for english is not my native tongue.
  8. De_willy

    A plea for scientific proof

    OP, you hit the nail on the head. :)