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About spawncaptain

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  1. spawncaptain

    SLX Mod WIP

    Thanks for pointing that out, McDonald. I thought that it'd have to be a problem with OA in general since I never play ArmA II without SLX, especially GL3. Great work Solus.
  2. Hey Trapper, check out SLX. It has GL3 enabled for every group, even for those created during the mission. It is also modular which means that you can disable its other features like the new wounding system.
  3. spawncaptain

    SLX Mod WIP

    After installing path 1.05 and SLX 1.8, groups no longer help each other. They still request backup though, as my custom artillery script that is called when they try to find friendly groups works. Is that a general problem with 1.05? I'll have to admit that I didn't read every page since it's release. Edit: I tried an older version of SLX and Grouplink still works correctly in 1.05. I also tried replacing the new SLX_GL3.pbo with the older one that works but that doesn't help either.
  4. spawncaptain

    SLX Mod WIP

    I integrated my own arty script into GL3 which makes the AI call in arty if available everytime it tries to call for reinforcements. However, since 1.2 they almost never request backup when it's a small group of infantry against a big one. If there's a vehicle they always do it, but of course arty isn't very effective against these targets. It worked fine for me in 1.2. I already modified the "attack" value so they should already request backup when enemy strength is only 10 per cent greater than friendly strength, but it doesn't seem to change anything. I do get sole survivers requesting fire missions, but that's one soldier against a whole squad. Which file do I have to edit in order to solve this problem?
  5. spawncaptain

    Devastation: mission pack. Team vs Team.

    This is the best that ever happened to ArmA II. Keep up the good work!