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Everything posted by Maizel

  1. I enjoy most tactical shooters, regardless of the degree of realism, to a certain extend.
  2. Maizel

    Physics question

    From the movies I;ve seen the animations are actually quite good. If you don;t look for signs that tell it;s animated, youprobably won;t notice often.
  3. Maizel

    Arma 2 the last game to use this engine?

    The system requirement it takes to run the game to it's full potential is no way to determine 'futureproofage'. The game could be horribly unoptimized. It's a pretty game, but, as far as I'm seen, Nowhere near top of the line. There are 2 year old games that look better and , judging from what I've read, run better.
  4. Maizel

    Arma 2 the last game to use this engine?

    I really don't care what engine they use. As far as I;m concerned They can use this engine for as many games as they'd like. As long as the games improve on one another.
  5. Most Arma II benchmarks I've seen show that the Nvidia 2xx series preform just fine. Similar to the higher end ATI cards.
  6. Maizel

    There is no demo!

    ZOMG The peasants have gained literacy. This is a rebellion!
  7. Probably been said before, but cannot be overstated: Lean.
  8. Maizel

    One shot one kill?

    I'm not an expert on this, But I would assume that most the the time, people don't instantly die or get instantly incapacitated when they get hit by a bullet.
  9. Maizel

    Gore effects

    I wouldn't have imagined the German version having any gore, with the way things are going in that country.
  10. Reviewers don;t tend to 'inflate' their scores. Sure, Arma II is probably way more sophisticated than Arma I, but then again, Arma I is several years old. Judged by the standards of today, the reviewer might be right asigning it a 66%.
  11. Maizel

    Arma 2 - Female Characters?

    Lies. Thar r no gurlz on teh intrawebz.
  12. Maizel

    I'm Now 100% Onboard With ArmA 2

    So you base your entire opinion of a game, that's not even released yet on one odd comment?
  13. Maizel

    I'm Now 100% Onboard With ArmA 2

    Why is everybody extrapolating so much from that comment? I understand there are more BIS fanboys than CM fanboys on these forums, but I really cannot conclude that OF: DR will be bad, just from that statement.
  14. Maizel

    Where do I purchase Arma 2?

    For the Dutch. http://www.dimensionplus.nl/link.asp?pid=750591
  15. For the Dutch. http://www.dimensionplus.nl/link.asp?pid=750591
  16. Maizel

    What are the Game Modes?

    Wow, it does seem I'll get a lot of multiplayer value for my money. Thanks for taking the time to type that all out for me, Walker it's much appreciated.
  17. Actually, to be quite honest, juging from the previews, both games seem very similar. None of the Dragon Rising previews gave me the feeling it's anything similar to Battlefield.
  18. Thanks for the reply. Could you, or anyone else for that matter, elaborate on the Warfare and Evolution game modus? As I said, I've never played ARMA II, I wouldn't know what tose gamemodes are like.
  19. Hey guys, how are you doing? I have to start off with saying that I have never played Arma 1 and while I have played the original operation flashpoint quite alot, I never got into the multiplayer. Also, I wanted to do a serach to answer these questions, sadly, however, I couldn't find one on these forums, so I signed up to ask them myself. Anyway, to the inquiries. Will the Retail version be identical to the Steam version? It might seem an adundant question, but it still, ocassionaly, happens that a retail version and a steam version of particular games are totally incompatible. Also, could anyone shed some light on the multiplayed modus we can expect? So far the only bit of info I read in overviews, previews, etc. is that there is a 50 person battlemode. That does not tell me wuite alot. Cheers in advance, guys.