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About Maizel

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  1. Maizel

    Extremely poor performance?

    Indeed. And I get less performance with the same settings with a I7 3.4 Ghz, 6GB's 12800 and a GTX 285. Broken? Yes.
  2. Maizel

    Extremely poor performance?

    i love it how people act like the game isn't horribly broken. Hardrock even with a top of the line PC, It's you'll hardly get playable FPS
  3. Maizel

    Poor fps with a fast rig

    Join the club, mate. There are several fixes posted on the forums, but their effects vary from person to person, but are usually quite slim, if noticable at all. I think they just serve as a placebo, just so that the majority of players with a fast rig here, can leep on denying that he spent his money on (as it stands now) mess of a product fo a little longer.
  4. I find that everything said about the Multiplayer also holds true for the singleplayer. The game is one big mess overall.
  5. I really hope they take a real effort to improve the performance on Arma II. I just installed Arma + patches to see how that ran. With a machine that tops the recomended specs several times, it stil runs like relative crap. I reeally hope they fix Arma II.
  6. I7 920 3.4 Ghz. Definitely not the problem.
  7. Oh, I put $250 for my single GTS 285. ANd it actually takes away from my enjoyment that I know this game should run alot smoother than it does.
  8. Meh, if I put down $600 bucks for my video cards alone, I wouldn't be satisfied with ~30 fps if there's action going on.
  9. GTX 285, 24 FPS while looking at a wall in the second mission. >.> And I don;t even have my settings up that high. A mix of high and meds, on a FR of 100% No post processing. But it dips as low as 10 fps when there's actually something going on
  10. It does work. And strangely enough, this seesm to bumb my framerate a little while playing as well. Not near what ie xpect from a machine like mine. But I'll take everything I can
  11. Setting The rez and fillrate to the lowest keeps me at 60 fps constantly. I was actually just complaining how poorly optimized this game appears to be. I'm running at ~25 fps whenever there is ANY action going on. And I don't even use too wild settings, even though I have a pretty decent machine. Vsync is on. Even though i forced it off in the control panel. Nhancer?
  12. Sorry Kklownboy? What are you saying? What do you want me to do? I'm saying that the preformance was more or less the same, no matter my settings. If I were running at 60 fps all the time, I wouldn't be complaining, hehe.
  13. I've got Vysnc'd forced off per my Nvidia control panel. Samsung Syncmaster 2223NW, if you must know.
  14. I;'m running Vista x 64. An I7 920 @ 3.2 Ghz. GTX 285 6GBS of DDR:12800 Everything maxed out gives me 24 fps's on a certain spot. Standing on the exact same spot with everything on thre lowest setting i get 30 fps. Something's not right.It may be Vista, If it is, I hope it gets fixed soon.
  15. The funny thing is. on my 285 GTX. While standing on the same spot. The differenc ebetween everything maxed out, and everything set on lowest is only 5 fps. There's something really wrong with this game.