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Everything posted by tempusmurphy

  1. tempusmurphy

    OA failing to start

    after some hardware problems OA will now not start, it fails to even get to the bohemia splash screen. I get the following error message Error creating Direct3d9 graphics engine. After reinstalling the game it ran once (when i was checking it) the following day the error was back. any help would be great pc specs intel q8400 2.6ghz 8gb ddr3 ati5670 512mb 500gb hdd
  2. tempusmurphy

    OA failing to start

    nope ... I just have patched the game to 1.60 and I dont have any mods installed except cba
  3. tempusmurphy

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    A quick idea out there..... but could the bullet mean a better armor model for tanks ....with round penetration rather than the old hp system ?
  4. tempusmurphy

    Where/how/when to buy ARMA2:OA?

    Somthing I can't quite grasp is the price differance we are seeing here .....prices between 50$ and (what I have paid £16.99) fair enough there may be some conversion rates there but still..... also how can a downloaded game be more expensive than a solid hard copy of the same thing (when ordered with postage)?
  5. tempusmurphy

    Where/how/when to buy ARMA2:OA?

    if two of the biggest highstreet retailers of PC games in the UK (Game and Game Station) are not aware of OA then there has been a marketing cockup of astronomical proportions.... and again the question where can I get hold of a hard copy on the release date now only 21 days away
  6. tempusmurphy

    Where/how/when to buy ARMA2:OA?

    even if BIS is self publishing the june 29th deadline looming on the horizon... Game, Amazon and Play where I usually buy from have no sight or sound of operation arrowhead....and like many others I like to have a hard copy of the things I buy so downloading is a no go. You would think that BIS would know who is publishing their game worldwide this close to the release date
  7. tempusmurphy

    The Most Obscure Easter egg(s)

    dont know if its just me but one of the fishing boats looks like the Orca from the classic film Jaws ...... even down to the barrels on the front.... if it is.... great sense of humor from the bis guys
  8. yey.......!! what a game far outshines arma, few trigger problems in single player, but I am surprised at frame rate and quaility with my avarage rig. xp 64bit core 2 duo 2.5ghz 4gig ddr2 ram ati 4670 1gig don't think of it as being vastly outnumbered ..... but just as having a large target selection .......