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About element1108

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  1. element1108

    Who's going to resist buying on the 19th?

    Agreed...ARMA 2 is a better version of ARMA. If you like ARMA you'll love ARMA 2. It really depends what you make of the game though...online is amazing and the sky is the limit really with what you want to do in this world. It's not SUPER polished like COD for instance...but it's one THOUSAND TRILLION times more vast and interesting. It's almost to be expected with a game that gives so many options to the player.
  2. If it's a small size the demo is usually missing a lot, considering the game is 9gb on the HD 2 is a decent size.
  3. element1108

    Change the Language in Arma 2?

    DL the German version (Canadian living in Canada) I don't want to bother patching it as I've pre-ordered it already, but the stupid screenshot thread got me all excited and it was a rainy crappy weekend...PURCHASE GO! Anyway I just button click until I get in...not going to bother too much with campaign now cause I don't understand half the objectives, but I am exploring and having a HELL of a lot of fun inside a game who's menu's I don't understand! USMC is all in english, but the Russian forces speak Russian so the Russian to German translation does NOTHING for me, dying to fly the hind still. Multiplayer is awesome though.
  4. I'm running it through bootcamp on my macbook pro Windows XP 4GB Ram 2.8 GHZ NVIDIA 9800GTX 512 I'm still playing around with settings, but with everything on "normal" (still getting use to the german language) I'm getting 40-50+ frame rates. I'm trying to optimize everything though, it'll be a trial and error system until they release a potential frame rate mod.
  5. element1108

    Signing On

    Hey guys, I've been hiding in the shadows the past few months keeping an eye on things, but with the INT release just down the road I thought I'd sign up and get involved where I can. Looking forward to the experience that's for sure!