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Everything posted by Mercenary16

  1. I would like to know how to command more groups in single player mode. Expecially how create them, add troops to them, ... How to change between them? I am currenty playing Badlands mission, i have created camp but can not create enough troops to finish the mission. I would also like to know, how to buy empty vehicles?
  2. Mercenary16

    Hi command in single player mode

    Yes, i have mine + 3 groups in my mission, but i can not send troops to the other 3 groups. Can you please describe, how to do it?
  3. In campaign mode i have a strange graphic problem. During gameplay everything in the enviroment is bending, shrinking, ..., (including man, vehicles, grass, trees). That does not happen to crosshair, icons, everything that isnt enviroment related. This is happening only in campaign mode, but in the editor everything is just fine. I am running german version with beta 1.01 patch installed. Did anyone experience something similar? Do you have any solution to this problem? PS: I own an original copy of the game
  4. Mercenary16

    Woobling/bending enviroment

    Yes wxactly that, but the problem is that this thing will not turn off when i am resting. And this graphis make me sick and gives me headaches. Does any one know or suggest how to manually turn it off?