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Everything posted by Akilez

  1. Glad it worked! I had the same problem and fought it for several days. My post is just a few down from yours: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?154017-Missions-Don-t-Appear-in-Game Not sure if Steam changed things around or what happened exactly. But it works for me and glad to hear it worked for you as well. Hopefully these posts will save some other folks the same aggravation we went through. Enjoy!
  2. See if you have this path: x:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\MPMissions\
  3. If I don't activate the TrackIR s/w prior to launching Arma 3 the option to bind it to a key assignment is greyed out and TrackIR doesn't appear under the controller page. You've likely already thought of this but mention it in case you haven't got it sorted. I use TrackIR 5 with the latest s/w (5.2.2 Final - Feb 7, 2013) Good Luck
  4. Hello All .. I feel like a dolt creating a post like this but my game time is limited and I'm apparently overlooking the obvious. I've downloaded a few missions (~15) from Armaholic plus have one in my cache from playing on-line (Dom). The one's I've dl'd have all been unzipped and the .PBOs placed in: D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\MPMissions\ But when I start the game, create my own server, they're nowhere to be found. I've also tried placing them in the 'Missions' folder in the same path as above with the same results. Both Steam and ArmA 3 are set to 'Run as Administrator'. Would someone please let me know what I'm overlooking? Sincere apologies if this has been asked/answered previously but my searches in this forum for a solution were in vain. Many thanks to anyone/everyone who can get this sorted out for me. I'm sure it's something simple/obvious but I'm drawing a blank. A3: Alpha 054/103597 Rig: i7 920/6GB/GTX580/Win7 Note: D: is not my boot drive if that matters. I boot from C: and game from D: (space issues)
  5. Akilez

    Missions Don't Appear in Game

    ------------ Well I'm glad that you're not going to say it could be my fault for not reading something you're not sure is even listed. And yea, it's my fault for having the game on the only platform that's available. What was I thinking? :j:
  6. Akilez

    Missions Don't Appear in Game

    I appreciate the tip Richie but that wasn't the problem. Apparently I (or Steam) managed to alter the path. While I do have the path listed in the initial post the one that is actually in use is: D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\MPMissions\ When I move all of my downloaded missions to this path\folder they appear in game.
  7. Akilez

    Probleme with version of arma 2

    Yes most, if not all, multiplayer servers are running the 1.05 update. Good Luck
  8. No complaints here... . . ACE Team ROCKS!!! . . AWESOME job guys and a countless thanks for lifting the ArmA experience into the stratosphere. . . :459: . .
  9. Dev-Heaven is back up and there is a new version of the updater available at: http://dev-heaven.net/projects/six-arma-updater/files Cheers,
  10. Began getting 'Red Cloth' errors in the DOS screen and the GUI not launching sometime yesterday (3/1/10). Dev-heaven.net is not responding so this may the issue. My last update brought me to 1.07.298 Just FYI....
  11. I also Alt+Tab out a LOT and never have lost TIR. Excuse me for pointing out the obvious but here's my setup: -TIR4 w/5 s/w - Application .exe is set to 'Run as Admin' - TIR is activated in A2 controller setup - I do have profile for A2 in the TIR s/w but even the default profile will provide functionality. And I think that's it. My issue was not re-enabling the 'Run as Admin' option on the actual arma2.exe file after the 1.05 update. Good Luck and sorry I couldn't be more help
  12. Akilez

    under the map

    I agree it looks a bit odd at range and takes a bit of getting used to but wouldn't frame rates take an unacceptably large hit if the grass was modeled out too far? Particularlay considering all of the other things A2 is keeping track of in near real time. . . .
  13. Akilez

    help please

    The folder you reference is for missions you create in the editor and then save as a multiplayer mission. If you want a missiom to be available for play on a server you are hosting then it needs to be in : C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\MPMissions. This is the default folder for a C: drive installation so if your installation is on a different drive then adjust accordingly. Good Luck, . . .
  14. I was having this issue, particularly when in a vehicle, prior to updating my GPU drivers to 191.07. There is a WHQL 195.xx driver out as well but I have not tried that one. Good Luck, . . .
  15. Akilez

    Night Vision

    You might also try 'Page Up' and 'Page Down' which I believe are the default keys to adjust NVG brightness. Good Luck, . . .
  16. I had this problem after the 1.05 update as well and it turned out to be the 'Run as Admin' option had not been selected for the actual ArmA2.exe file. The update apparently overwrote the previous application and therefore it's settings so you might want to take a look. Just go to the drive and folder where ArmA2 is installed then 'right click' on the arma2.exe file. Select 'Properties' and then 'Compatibility' to make sure the Privilege Level for 'Run this program as an administrator' has a check mark in the box to the left. In any case that's what fixed my issue with TrackIR not working (no blue light on my TIR4) after updating to 1.05 for ArmA2 and hopefully it will either help you out or at least rule this out as a potential issue. Note: This also may work with both TIR and ArmA2 set at the same Privilege Level (ie 'Run as Admin' is not selected for either of those apps) but I never tested it that way. Best of Luck, . . .
  17. Okay now I just feel stupid but it seems that the 1.05 update overwrote the ArmA2 exe and so it lost the 'Run as Admin' that it had prior to the update. The shortcut I use for launch was set properly but the exe was not. As soon as I posted here I figured it would be something dumb......right again..:j: Cheers for the input and getting me to go recheck everything. Bottom Line: TrackIR is back! (sorry for the confusion) . . .
  18. Cheers guys.. It looked like a local problem here but I had to ask before I went too far down the worm hole. I'll keep pounding on it from this end as I really miss the TIR (talk about a loss of situational awareness). I do have the S/W running prior to app launch and I have disabled/re-enabled TIR in ArmA2 controller setup a few times to no avail but thank you for the ideas. It does help just knowing no one else is experiencing this issue so I know where to focus my efforts. Thanks again for the feedback and if I resolve things I'll report back here. Enjoy... . . .
  19. I've tried searching for this issue and have seen mention of the odd keyboard and mouse function problems but... Am I the only one that is having TrackIR issues with 1.05? It works perfectly with my other s/w including ArmA(1) and it worked perfectly with ArmA2 right up until I updated to 1.05. It would seem from the lack of posts that this must be a local issue with my setup but if anyone else has run into this, knows what it may be or might just have a suggestion I'm all ears. I use TIR4 with the most recent 1.05 s/w and the camera always has the lower blue light activated when a TIR supporting application is running. And again ArmA1 is fine and ArmA2 was fine until recently. I'm not at all sure it has anything to do with 1.05 but when I updated to that level is when TIR stopped acknowledging ArmA2 as a TIR supporting app. You just don't realize how much you depend on any particular input device until it's not working..:o Thanks for any thoughts and big apologies if this is covered somewhere else and I just missed it. Cheers,
  20. Just curious but how did you end up with 8GB? DDR3 on a X58 Board right(ie 3 sticks at a time?). . Also try the -cpucount=4 switch and if that doesn't help then disable HT in the BIOS. If you have more than one physical HDD then put your page file on a disk other than the one A2 is on. Definitely look into RAM Disk if you have memory to spare. Good Luck . . .
  21. Akilez

    Weird mouse problems

    Could this be tied to pre-rendered frames?
  22. Akilez

    Any one seen this?

    I've not seen the donut you describe. Regarding spawning in as a crow that sounds like you were trying to play on a server that didn't allow join in progress (JIP).
  23. Akilez

    Disablin HT helped?

    I tried the -cpucount=x switch (several times) and my system never stabilized until I disabled HT while running ArmA 2. The HT setting and current drivers (191.07) have been the fix for me. Since I reboot before/after an ArmA session anyway (process restoral) it's no problem to load a BIOS profile appropriate for what I'm doing. HT turns on as easily as it turns off. Definitely try the -cpucount=x switch as this is the simplest solution if it works. If not run it w/o HT (applies to i7 and most i5 platforms only). Your mileage may vary. . .
  24. There's been a lot progress mate so throw up your system specs and maybe someone can get ya sorted. I was getting CTDs and rather quickly when in a fast moving vehicle around built up areas. That's all old news and I play endlessy now with no issues. Turns out in my case it was the video drivers (go figure) and the HyperThreading of the i7's. Best of Luck . . . .
  25. AFAIK the SLI system does not add the memory together but operates in a master/slave arrangement where each card does half the work. Each card (or GPU system on a single slot solution like 9800GX2/GTX295) is responsible for rendering half of the 3D image so it is not correct to add the memory together. So while what you read is correct in that there is two sets of 896MB on that particular card it should be looked at like only one set is working at a time which is why you shouldn't add the numbers together. It is 896MB twice not 896MB times two = 1792MB. I hope that makes sense but bottom line is to not add the numbers together. Best of Luck