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Everything posted by CruiseMissile

  1. As far as I'm aware there isn't 7.62x54Rmm in the game right now, "only" 7.62x51mm Nato, not that it makes much difference, they have roughly the same performance, but yeah, even the body armor provided today for most infantry soldiers can defeat a battle rifle round at that range, even half that range, but you have to keep in mind that the bullet doesn't have to penetrate to kill you. If you get shot in the chest your bones will crush and potentially stab you in the heart or puncture your lungs etc. The big difference comes if the soldiers aren't wearing body armor, but flak vests, those are very easily penetrated, I was on tour with the Royal Danish Army in Afghanistan, and we were issued flak vests, those could be penetrated by a 5.56x45mm if the shot was taken from less than 150 meters. Let alone a 7.62x39mm would penetrate it upwards of 200 meters which was the nominal engagement range. Not a surprise most people bought plates for their vests to have a reasonable chance of surviving a shot to the upper torso.
  2. The only reason in that real video the guy got "hit" like that is because his body armor took the shot, I've read up on the story and it's supposedly an SVD 7.62x54Rmm that shot him. In this game the vast majority of bullets are either 6.5mm or 9mm, both of which don't really have any kind of "knock down" power, the bullets fly so fast that they'll penetrate you completely before you even realize you've been shot.
  3. It happens, I have 2 tours in Afghanistan, and in the heat of battle, when shit is hitting the fan, you do what you can to bring lead anywhere near the enemy without exposing yourself. It's not about the bullets going near them, it's about having the supersonic cracks going over their heads.
  4. CruiseMissile

    Arma 3 (2040) will there be DLCs based on 2000/2010?

    Caseless ammunition in that form factor is science fiction, 82mm mortar rounds that can travel that far is science fiction. Also caseless ammunition could be considered science fiction because with the current technology from the G11 they're applying, it's just not ready for the battlefield. We'll see various forms of plastic/polymor casings to reduce weight instead, hell I'll be surprised if they go away completely from the 5.56x45mm Nato, I'm willing to bet that they'll keep that round, but change the casings to polymor instead.
  5. I need help please. I need to know how to make, say an insurgent SU-25 drop a FAB-250 bomb in a specific area, like when it reaches a waypoint it lets go of a bomb or 2?. Also how would I make Carbomb, like a truck explode like a Fab-250 bomb, when it reaches a certain waypoint? Help would be greatly appreciated.
  6. Is there some way I can force the AI to only use the Gau-8 cannon? Ideally I wanted some kind of close air support strike that would spawn an A-10 that destroyed nearby targets with it's Gau-8 cannon, or maybe even be able to chose what kind of ordnance that it should use, like decide between Gau-8 og the Maverik AT missile.
  7. CruiseMissile

    AI A-10 Gau-8

    Thanks but that doesn't help me much, I figured that out myself, but with no classnames it's really of no use. ---------- Post added at 06:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:23 PM ---------- nevermind, found the classnames myself (http://www.armatechsquad.com/ArmA2Class/) Too bad the AI sucks with the GAU8, it's really bad at using it :(
  8. CruiseMissile

    AI A-10 Gau-8

    I see, do you know where I can find the ammo names for the vehicles? And also, what command do I need to use?
  9. The insurgent SU-25 does have FAB-250 bombs...
  10. I'm not really sure what I get out of this, do I just put this script in my mission and then open up the map and place where I want the airstrike or? It's because I want it as a part of a scenario where I assault this village and I automatically get air support.
  11. So I thought it would be pretty badass to have cruise missiles, so I figured, why not use the one (sorta) already in there, the BQM. Here's a mission where I (manually configuring their position) made them strike a couple of targets on the runaway to see the effect. Now here is where you (knowledgeable) guys come into the picture, is there someway to create this with AI and make them able to target stuff and home in on them like what is going on here? but automatically? Cruise Missile Concept Demo