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Everything posted by giantsfan24

  1. Being in the US, did it work out ok? Do you know if, when the UK version is released, you can patch it to English?
  2. Sprocket does not even show ARMA 2 and the CDWOW shows a release date of 6/26. I find it surprising no one in the us is importing the game by the UK release date, the 19th. If you think about it, if you imported it yourself from a uk website, it would probably take about a week to get to the US so there would be no advantage UNLESS some retailer in the US received a shipment early for a US import release. Maybe I'm expecting too much because it was so easy to get the import ARMA 1. Thanks for the link anyway. On a personal note, I think BIS is doing a huge disservice to their American fans by not releasing the English version at the same time as the UK version. Guys, we are the biggest market of them all. But there is another thread about this so I won't go any further.
  3. giantsfan24

    Option for Plane / Helicopter steering

    With all due respect, to make a "sim" version of aircraft takes ALOT of time. Not even to the fidelity of Lock On or DCS(which is insanely detailed they can only release 1 plane at a time) would take alot of resources away from the proper "sim" part of this game- ground warfare. Honestly, you are a infantryman, not a combat pilot. I would not be expected to learn to pilot a 20 million dollar aircraft. That's why I could care less if the vehicles are not "sim" worthy since they are un-arcade enough to still feel somewhat realistic and not take away from the ground war simulation. That being said, any additional sources of realism are great. Maybe modders will make a more realistic flight models for the birds in this game.