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Everything posted by Raechaer

  1. No, that's not correct, it's kinda the other way around. Some old programs take advantage of the fact that there's only 2 GB of memory and use highest Bit of memory addresses for their own purposes. This of course fails terribly if you have the full 4 GB address space and that highest Bit is actually part of the address. So for compatibility reasons with those applications 32 bit applications only get the old 2 GB address space by default. The /LARGEADDRESSAWARE:YES flag just indicates to the OS that the application does not do anything special with memory addresses and it's thus safe to provide it with the full 4 GB.
  2. Yes, those (finally!) fixed the VRAM bug for me.
  3. Raechaer

    Texture lag. How to solve it ?

    I'd love to give that a try, but I can't select default for the videomemory (only low, normal and high). I'm sure I saw it before though, anyone got an idea how to get that setting back? Also using the 186.08 drivers btw.
  4. Raechaer

    Texture lag. How to solve it ?

    That just prevents ArmA from writing the wrongly detected values to the .cfg, it still uses the value it detected and not the one I manually changed in the ArmA2.cfg.
  5. Raechaer

    Texture lag. How to solve it ?

    I'm suffering from the same problem, the game is unplayable like this: That's with all settings maxed out, looks (and runs) the same with everything at low though. Using the -maxmen option didn't change anything for me. I also used msconfig to limit Vista to 2 GB but that didn't improve things either. But I noticed that ArmA detects localVRAM=262334336 (that's around 256 MB), I actually have a card with 1 GB though. Maybe that is causing the problem? Unfortunately changing the value in the arma2.cfg doesn't work as it gets overwritten as soon as ArmA starts. My comp: i7 920 @ 4.2 Ghz 12 GB RAM 2 GTX 285 in SLI ArmA installed on a SSD Vista x64