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About Lepssa

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Huh nice find. Will try that asap. One thing that makes me stop playing singleplayer missions as a group leader.
  2. Just put some testing into this. I have Xp partition just to run Arma because it performs a lot better than w7. It seem that very high/high video memory gets me rid of artifacts but game is sttutering + texture LOD trashing it gets little better with betas thou. Strange think is that on W7 with default texture memory i dont have any of these issues but Arma perform slowly (20-30%). I never have this problem with my old 8800gtx.
  3. I have exactly same problem on my Windows Xp partiton. When running OA on W7 no problems at all. Same setting in game and via ATI tray tools.
  4. Yeah i really need to know this too :)
  5. Here is how i got working beta with my steam versin of both Arma 2 and Arma 2 :OA. Default in _runA2CO is: Change it to: In case you want insert commands like - nosplash and use of mods it looks like that: Easiest way for launching mods/commands is to use steam "set launch options" and adding stuff you need.
  6. Lepssa

    (SP)ACE2 The Conqueror

    Wrong installed addon then,ok. Thx for help and sorry for bother. Finnaly got it working :)
  7. Does someone find workaround for freezing after dificulty screen? Still got problems with that:( Edit: I redownloaded all needed addons. Try it with/out ACE. Still can't run this. Does addons needed to load in concrete order?
  8. Lepssa

    (SP)ACE2 The Conqueror

    When loading mission a get error message saying that mission cannot be run because of downloadable content FNC scopes missing. Now when i try your new version 3.75 a get a crash with error message saying that "Include file userconfig\MM\unit_aray.hpp not found". I really want to try your mission man, help me :)
  9. Lepssa

    (SP)ACE2 The Conqueror

    I have a issue with that in fact. Can't play this mission.
  10. Lepssa

    What Mouse For ArmA2?

    Im using A4 Tech X-750F. Cheap one but it perfectly fit to my hand and let me change DPI on the fly. Triple fire button let me fire burst without changing fire modes :)
  11. Ok i have decided for a new procesor so i bought AMD Phenom II X4 965 BE. Its really easy to overclock them as they have unlocked multiplier. With this setup i have around +20 FPS so game run really good from now as i brough new cooling for my GPU and overclock that too. Pitty that campaign is still caped at 22-25 :(
  12. Exactly same problem here. Reinstall did nothing. Was running good until last update of six-updater. Edit: Im running Windows XP 32bit
  13. Hello and sorry for starting a new topic on this but any help is welcomed. So there is my current rig whitch give about 22-30fps in large multiplayer missions: Amd Athlon 64 x2 BE 6400+ (3200Mhz) Gigabyte GA-MA770-UD3 v2.0 2x 1 GB DDR2 800Mhz A-Data (5-5-5-18) MSI 8800GTX 768MB my ingame settings: 1680:1050 no AA/AF terrain : Low objects : Normal shadows : High/disabled postprocces : disabled I have already ordered more ram so ill have 3x2GB DDR2 1066 Mhz but i dont know what upgrade next to make Arma2 perform better. I have only about 200 Eur left for upgrade so what should i buy quad core procesor or graphic card? I really like new ATI 5850 Gpu do you guys think that my current procesor dont be a bottleneck for this GPU?