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Everything posted by LOulOo

  1. Hi all, who knows what exactly means video setting "video memory" ? and the action of eatch level ? - low - normal - high - very high - default
  2. LOulOo


    this happen every time. for some of them, we have resolved the problem by a simple reinstalltion of battleye (the battleye setup found in the "beta" directory.) for one of them, no solution. We have solve all our problems with adding a line "battleye=0" in the server.cfg :) our servers are private, so no needed to prevent cheating.
  3. LOulOo


    Hi all, A few of our team players have trouble with Battleye. "Battleye client not responding" after one minute, even with XP Firewall desactivated... we found no solution. Any suggestions ?
  4. LOulOo

    Spacebar scanning

    BIS don't answer ? :rolleyes:
  5. LOulOo

    Spacebar scanning

    For infantry, it's usefull to keep it on to identify friends on the battlefield, its easier to follow your group leader, and the ordered formation. But it would be reserved for seeing friends only, and also we think that distance must be reduced. for infantry. BIS should ear us and propose settings modification (or on servers settings), it's an important subject for teams playing realistic mode as OFCRA.
  6. Hi all, since 1.02, if i go to game's video settings during a solo party (campain) when i return game the screen is blurred, and i can't continue playing. i must quit the game, and launch it again. Other players that i know have the same problem. tks to correct it
  7. whis post process effects on the problem is on if post process effects disabled, no problem. :rolleyes:
  8. anyone has this problem ? (we have the 505's game version)
  9. Has BIS officials responded to the question :confused: :bounce3:
  10. do BIS officials respond here ?