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About goldkid80

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    Private First Class
  1. goldkid80

    GTX 295 on Q6600 performance

    yeah right if you say the game is running smooth you mean it's running above 60 FPS isn't it? mine doesn't. BIS gotta fix this crap. Hope itgonna be fixed before it takes 2 years like arma 1 cause operation flashpoint is getting out october. FLashpoint 2 rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! arma 2 sucks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not optimized for high end pc only crap can run this game smoothly. WE ARE NOT NEANTHERTHALERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. goldkid80

    Patch 1.03 suggestions

    improve peformance
  3. cause i'm getting borred to post and looking around the forums to get some solution for the poor perf. imo arma 2 release + thoose patches didn't work for me and many others. i'm even wondering if they even read thoose post, they should be, but they don't. it's just got a big moment of frustration to install reinstall triyng to solve the perf issue. so if it goes like that i wonder if i'm goiig to buy a BI game ever again. arma took 2,5 years to run stable arma 2 ..... at the moment 1 month only 29 to go
  4. just wondering cause i'm getting enough of this crap.
  5. i'm just getting bored with thoose perf issues
  6. goldkid80

    New evga sli fix works :-)

    you're lucky you got 100 FPS mine max 42 except the intro then i hit a 127 FPS
  7. goldkid80

    New evga sli fix works :-)

    doesn't work for me still low fps average 30 in scenario with everything medium Cpu load max 53%
  8. it's true in the main menu with crysis.exe you can get up to 130 FPS max but once ingame it's a whole different story with max 47 FPs average 22 and min 7 resilt huge lag and weird textures doesn't matter if you using 182.50 or 185.xx or 186.xx same crap. it's the first problem we got with our gtx295 all other games work perfect except arma 1 but it's still playable. arma 2 isn't
  9. stop talking ..... about those CPU bottleneckings it isn't people who got a GFX from 200 or ++ euro don't got some cpu from the junkyard. CPU bottlenecking with modern cpu = not be optimised. pls stop telling us the game is working without mayor issues it just isn't IMO it's a beta release like arma was and still is
  10. goldkid80

    For gtx 295 users

    it's not working i can do whatever i want my FPS don't raise i tried everything. Changing profiles manually, setting it to read only 31 (MAX) FPS ingame isn't enough for me to playthe game SMOOTH. we just gotta wait for some patches and hope they fixes the problem. It's a blame that we can't play the game at a reassonable setting for our card. BI shame on you hope you'll fix it soon BTW workarounds = beta games. it isn't normal that we gotta try those fixes to get the game playable. BI if you see this topic just give us an answer and say you working on it and if you don't, no problem just tell us. IMO you got great games but only crappy beta testers with crappy configs (sorry to telll you i've been beta testing for the 2 K games and we never released crap like this. ) regards, goldkid
  11. goldkid80 Xtreme QX6850 @ 3.8 CPU 8 Gig MISKIN DDR 2 1066 5-5-5-8 EVGA GTX 295 ASUS P5K-E\ Premium X-FI Titanium PRO BEYERDYNAMIC Headphone 850 PWS SAMSUNG HD103UJ hdd SAMSUNG HD753LJ hdd SAMSUNG 6230 FUll HD 100 Motion+ LCD 42" bad FPS main menu min 32 max 78 scenario min 14 max 31
  12. goldkid80

    For gtx 295 users

    if i got botlenecked with a xtreme cpu i don't now i tjink there will be 90 % of the people who get bottleneckek because of the cpu then. QX6850 Xtreme cpu = 900 euro other games i got max 30 % of use. if this is goiing to eat about 100 % of my cpu there is someting wrong. BTW my cpu load is at max 55 % of max. with steam, skype, evga precision, kaspersky, hamachi and a lot of other programs so Cpu isn't the problem ( hope so else i don't now what cpu BI uses ) BI you gotta fix this problem it's a performance issue and it's a lot more important then AI pathfinding in my opinion.
  13. goldkid80

    For gtx 295 users

    does not help sli get's enabled in the main menu but once starting a scenario it's disabled :confused:
  14. goldkid80

    For gtx 295 users

    i just disabled SLI in the CP and it seems to not have any iprovements or losses in performance so SLI doesn't work. ( only in the main menu it does work ) We got 1 of the best video card but it's unussable in this game we are using a GTX 275 Hope you gonna fix this BI cause many people are using sli or crossfire these days.
  15. hope you get an answer i'm tottaly agree with you and me also i would like to now about the spec they use