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About delevero

  • Rank
    Private First Class

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    Highly Decorated veteran soldier ( retired ).
  1. Hi. I like to say that We/I love your nimitz carrier and hope to use it in our clan in the near future. ;) As you are aware of there, are a few known issues. After testing I just like to incurage you to first of all focus upon the issue regarding that people fall though the carrier, since that is the "bug" that most people I have tested with think is a game breaker, while we often do not notise or experience the other known issues. What I want to say is yes we see f18s jump a little here and there ect. but we can go from a-b and it is playable as long as we do not fall though the floor. :) We look forward using your carrier in the future, great work ;-) Sincerely Peder.
  2. What you have to do is to open the volume icon that is to the left of the clock on your desktop.. then find your loudspeakers and choos that they have to be the default.. Now you will not have problems with sound and arma again, the problem is really that arma not automatic can figure this out, so you have to one time to manual choose your speakers to be standard for playing sound ;-) I play arma with all xfi features enabled without problems, in the past i had to play in stereo ( with 2 speakers and not 5.1 ) els the sound would scratch.
  3. The fastest way to fix this problem is to open your creative labs audio control panel and choose the tab named "speakers" change 5.1 to 2/2.1 then you have no problems with arma or the screaming sounds.... I have had this bug for ages.. well one of many bugs arma1 and 2 have. Run the game in stereo instead when using creative labs xfi soundblaster. By the way the problem with the sound especialy happens when you have a headset connect at the same time and running arma in 5.1 sorround.... and especially when playing multiplayer ( since that is when you use your headset ) if you unplug your headset and play single player your properbly can without sound problems.. welcome to the world of arma
  4. delevero

    C-130 Fixed in Beta?

    its is not fixed in patch 1.04...
  5. After patch 1.04 the following erros including the many above is ..: C-130 can still not taxi and hardly turn on the taxi way in the airport. c-130 is almost impossible to make it airborn after landing on a non concrete field, in real life the c-130 are able to do this and also land on a beach and take off again. Hunsprey 22 and harrier can almost not turn when in autohover and it become worse in 1.04 patch. arty 270..: place the 270 in a mission and put one artellery mudul.. now load the mission as a gunner and choose target artellery.... now you get an error message and the targeting map does not move... When i see patch 1.04 i serious wonder what the people who made arma2 are doing there are hardly any bugs fixed and if you look in the bug report forum there are more than 3300 reported bugs from small to large... im simply shocked that they are not serious fixing the bugs as fast as possible, literly they should be sued for on purpose selling a very broken product from day 1...... well that is my thought..
  6. delevero

    Windows 7 32bit or 64bit?

    just ad -winxp after arma2.exe in your start shortcut. arma2.exe -winxp then arma will use more Ram. ;-)
  7. I really look forward to the addon as being a huge fan of arma2 and a clan player but im also very conserned that the developers work on an addon when they actually should have used the time to fix all of the bugs that were not fixed tu to rushing the game and releasing it before it was finished.. I dont know about you the reader who read this, but if i on my work build and sold a product to someone knowing it on purpose were missing some things and being defect then i would be fired very fast. Its really a bad call and planing to just think so lightly of things that you are willing to publish and sell a "broken" product and then think its okay as times goes by to fix the tons of errors in the first place. What shock me most of all is that many of the errors found in arma2 is actually the excact same erros as arma1 had out of the box, it kind of make you wonder. I think that there should be some kind of international "Licence" for game and software developers that so that companys that on purpose release games early or are so filled with bugs should have taken their licence away banning them from selling their software.... it would really help the consumer. Ofcourse its okay to have a little errors in games but not hundreds of erros like arma. You can take a look at some of the errors reported here.. Some are reported many times while other are reported 1 time... but as you can see there are reported more than 4183 issues... it kind of prove to you the reader how many bugs arma 2 has...... Think about it....... In my appinion many of these bugs listed is something you would notise if you just play the game a few times.... forexampel... taxi with the c130 and you will notise something is wrong...... It remind me of the user made ACE addon that people had released for free.. they released a beta that people could play and give suggestions. I belive that more than 100 suggestions and small bugs were found but in less than 7 days every single thing was fixed... now it kind of make you wonder why a big company with a budget of millions can not even solve 25 bugs in 30 days.....they get paid for their work. Anyway im really looking forward to Operation Arrowhead. :bounce3: even if it contains bugs or not.
  8. delevero

    Core i7, sollution - stability

    This is not a discussing topic... Please only post comments that can help others, people want to find the help they can and not have to read through 100 of comments that say nothing about the problem they are trying to fix... So please only comment on solutions not just talk, you can do that in a chat forum. Best regards Peder
  9. Please make STICKY Dear Forum For a long time my computer had been unstable playing arma2 and crashed alot. I read many treads on the forum and realized that many people had problems when running a Core i7 cpu and arma. The solution to this problem is rather simple. You have to enter BIOS when you start your computer ( PRESS Delete ) and then somewere you have to find and DISABLE the feature named "HT" or " hyper threading" Since i did this my arma have been rock steady and i do not even need all the extensions like -winxp - maxmem=XXX or compability mode ect. Also if you do this you do not have to disable PHYSX or Vertical sync. arma will run. Thought i share my experience with other players. Try it out, maybe it work for you also, who knows :bounce3: My system Core i7, cpu 940 12gb ddr3 ram. Nvidia 295 geforce windows 7
  10. delevero

    Aircraft steering

    ahhh you properbly mean the c-130 herculer it has a stering bug when it taxi, as well as the osprey are incredible slow to make a 360 when you use the pedals... I belive it related to a bug. I cannot remember if it was fixed in a patch lately i did not fly the c-130 for some time now...
  11. There is a general bug with Core i7 and any nvidia card in the 200 series, it CTD very much since it run out of memory its a 100% arma bug.... and by the way patch 1.03 make the game more unstable for most players especially playing multiplayer. By the way there is an arma bug that the game does not properbly recornise the ram in your machine or your video card they are working on it. Just like arma 1 the new arma2 have a huge amount of bugs from day1 with arma 1 it took me 1½ year before i could play the game in fullscreen... But yes your computer is good enough for playing the game perfect, i recommend changing to windows7 you will get more speed in almost all games that you own.. You just have to wait for a patch that fix the problem.
  12. I hope they are able to fix the CTD ;-) i have reporte the error amon many others at the bug forum.. so they know about it.... so keep looking at the forum every day, and look for new nvidia drivers very day... Ihope they make a kind of "hotfix" or something or a patch 1.3xxx something ;-)
  13. disable sorround sound.... i run the game in stereo in multiplayer ells the sound is sounding like a chainsaw..... in singleplayer the sound work in sorround
  14. core i7 and nvidia 275 285 295 all have this error... its a well known bug that the game crash.... Currently im testing the cd version of the game it seem a little more stable than the download version ( dont know why ) but it was the same problem with arma1 since some files named OPENAL were missing in the download version and not in the cd version.
  15. delevero

    Patch 1.03 Satisfaction Survey

    game still crash and freeze to desktop when playing on an core I7 and a high end nvidia graphic card such as the 200 series...