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Everything posted by gromov

  1. Strange, white graphic artifacts on vegetables (patch 1.5 [70582]) which disappeare after changing Anisotropic Filtering from Very High to High and lower http://img514.imageshack.us/img514/4595/97748537.jpg (tested on Radeon 4770)
  2. Can't get as Pilot into Mi-8 and Su-34. No textures on C-130 right engine in ViewCargo mode http://img443.imageshack.us/img443/1592/20088802.jpg Strange graphic artifacts on vegetables (patch 1.5 [70582]) which disappeare after launching menu http://img514.imageshack.us/img514/4595/97748537.jpg (tested on Radeon 4770)
  3. I've just installed the 1.03 patch and quick checked some things related to AI, and have one simply question: WHY IS AI STILL SO STUPID??? The third patch and still the bug fixes are often too small to see them in practise. In some cases AI is much worse than in OFP. In topic "Patch 1.03 suggestions" I pasted three links to show how the attacked car driver behaves: The problem still isn't fixed. The second bug is driving in column formation by armored units (maybe by cars too but i didn't check it). I've already told about it in some of the previous topics, but I see I have to say it again. Remember the cutscene from OFP with "Memory" song in the background and T-72s moving in a column? Try to make the same thing in ArmA 2... Tanks after several metres start to make turns around themselves. What's that? A folk dance? They simply can't driving forward without stupid behaviour. Commander of the group can also sometimes decide in half of passed way to leave the waypoint and choose his own way - "free for all" Bugs are still big despite it can be repair very quickly (these are only examples): * Loader of M1A2 TUSK still can't hide into turret and dies very quickly... * BM-21 optic still doesn't work... And really small: * Maybe not bug, but disturbing: T-72 exhaust smoke. Have you ever seen how the T-72's engine works? It causes big clouds of the smoke, not only few sparks Sorry that I use strong words, but as a big fan of OFP I can not just looking at ArmA 2 and say it's wonderful game if it isn't. Please make this game as good as it should be, cause it can be the best. It has great potential, which is unfortunately still not used in the best way. Regards
  4. gromov

    SP Campaign

    In my opinion adding the RTS elements (earning money, building base, respawning units) is completely mistake in SIMULATOR game, in the whole idea of OFP/ARMA series. I still can't believe BI spoiled this wonderful plot and atmosphere of the campaign in the last two missions... There was no more special operations, only total mess... I hope it will never happen again in the future.
  5. gromov

    Patch 1.04 suggestions

    When you driving HMMWV and turn off the game, there is a bug when you want to load it and AI gunner there is in turret. The muzzle flash is visible all the time until the first shot is fired. It's hard to find enemy in the grass when he lies in it, but this enemy has no problem to take you out... Maybe some problem with AI visibility through the grass?
  6. gromov

    Patch 1.03 suggestions

    AI skill is sometimes worse than OFP AI and it MUST (!!!) be repaired. See these short movies: No comment...
  7. gromov

    patch 1.02 suggestions

    Hi All. There are several bugs I found that should be corrected (I hope someone from BI will read this post :) - AI range of fire - it's actually set for some defined value for each weapon (eg. 160 meters) and when you are further than these 160 meters and BOT sees you, he doesn't shoot, even if you shoot to him. I understand that weapons in real have limited range of fire, but when somebody would shoot at you, would you still be looking at him and doing nothing, even if your weapon is ready to fire? - Strange behaviour of AI when BOT doesn't see you and you start shooting for making some noise. AI seems to be deaf and you have to shoot almost in BOT's legs to make him aware (in our old good OFP it was solved much better). But quite different situations happen at night, when weather is set up on "storm". Environment is loud and so dark (when there's no moon on the sky) that you have to use NV Goggles, because you can't see anything. Nevertheless in this bad weather the BOTs can hear your moves (even if the wind, rain and thunders are very strong) when you are distant 100m of them, turn back and kill you. - Too loud sound of bonfires, causing probably by lack of fading sound - see the next point (bonefires also generate too big range of light at night - are simply too bright) - Sound of any burning object doesn't fade out when you are more and more away from it, but simply cutes itself off in some defined distance. - Bad working optic for BM-21 (btw. position of gunner is completely other story... :) - Bad working indicators in cab of MLRS and no foresight for it's gunner - Still strange bus sound when it starts to accelerate (almost completely fades out). I thought it was repaired in 1.01 patch as is described in readme file. - Too fast animation of climbing on ladder - In T-34 exhaust smoke going out from only one pipe - Too small suspension moves when vehicle accelerates / breaks for tanks (APC's seems to work corectly). Only T-34 has well working suspension - Bad camera position for bus and Kamaz (too close to vehicle) - No glasses texture in profile menu. - The last phase of PKP reload animation is wrong. The cover lock doesn't move back and is putting on barrel. After that the cover lock immediately appears on the right place - Receiver in MP-5 doesn't work - Tanks (I didn't check what happen with other vehicles) can't correct moving in "column" formation on "safe" behavior and "limited" speed. Commander tank drives OK, but the rest of the platoon rotate around several times per minute and they sometimes don't driving on the road - Very strange idle sound in the background that appears in EVERY vehicle and sounds like working hand-saw (one, two, one, two, one, two...) - very disturbing after several minutes (and completely unrealistic) - Sometimes "move" waypoints for AI don't swich. - Trees and ferns growing in some lakes under water. It's very good idea to add plants under water but it can't be trees, especialy like spruces. - Fatal bug when you getting in into the vehicle that has got "critical damage". After that you start to moan, like when you are injured - In some kinds of terrain tanks' treads move fast, despite the vehicle isn't in motion. I found these bugs so far. Things to change - my own suggestions: - Too weak light of street lamps - at nights they give very poor light. That's unrealistic. - It's a pitty locomotives seems to be not working (they're just a static objects) - it was be very nice to have possibility of making train in missions - Exhaust smoke that goes out from vehicles is often too small, almost invisible - There is a white/red/green dot that highlights objects (friends or enemies). It's no possibility to turn it off in game options (in difficulty options too) so it's very disturbing (or maybe I haven't found solution to disable it so far...). - Disturbing sound of mosquitos - it simply appears to often (and should appear generaly only in summer) - Poor animation when going out of water - man simply appears standing up on the ground - Bad texture of sea / lake bottom - it should be rather sand and stones (such textures there are on the beaches and shallow water places) - Maybe it's not very disturbing, but useless terrain of the island (behind zone shown on the map) could be more interesting than only one green texture, for example by some random generating plants and trees Sometimes eyelids of dead bodies still moves for long time after men are killed - is this proper reaction of human body? (I don't know so asked) . I haven't tested campaign and missions yet. I think most of these bugs could be eliminated by simple config changes, but some of them require interference in the game engine. Nevertheless the game is very interesting. Thank BI for making it!