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About Lee82UK

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    Private First Class
  1. Lee82UK

    Server Rcon for Arma 2

    No, unfortunately not. We really need BIS to implement rcon or at least some basic form of remote administration/kicking etc.
  2. Lee82UK

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    Simply awesome missions Xeno :) I do have one request though, would somebody be able to edit Domination A2 - west to include the banana phone TK script like evolution? Unfortunately my mission editing skills end at dragging and dropping units in the editor, I've literally no idea where to even start editing someone elses missions :(
  3. Lee82UK

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    We're running The Longest Day 1.03 on our server and the factory bug still exists :(
  4. Woohoo!! Proper AA support!! It does not seem to be enabled in the options, but if you edit Documents\Arma2\Arma2.cfg and change FSAA value it works :) FSAA=0 - Disabled FSAA=1 - Low FSAA=2 - Normal FSAA=3 - High etc Thank you BIS, your hard work is appreciated! EDIT: Enabling AA seems to remove all shadows, I'll look into it some more :)
  5. Lee82UK

    Not all Video RAM Being Used.

    Arma 2 is a 32-bit application, so I believe it is limited to addressing 2Gb of memory (in any form, system or video). Feel free to correct me though :)
  6. Lee82UK

    Not all Video RAM Being Used.

    I have 2x 4890 1GB cards in crossfire, and by default arma.cfg has localvram=2147483648 which is technically correct, but I've found this setting causes lots of CTDs. Setting it to exactly half (1073741824) works fine. I still get the occasional CTD, but nowhere near as many. Lots of other games are able to use 2GB of video memory without problem (crysis x64, Fear 2, Fallout 3 etc) but it seems Arma 2 does not like it :)
  7. Lee82UK

    Vsynch Test: Plz check.

    I use ATI tray tools to create an Arma 2 profile, select "Vertical Sync Always Off (Vista Workaround)", that disables vsync :)
  8. Lee82UK

    ATi Catalyst 9.6 Download

    While I dont seem to get any more FPS with these drivers, Arma 2 does seem alot smoother. Have not had any problems with them so far!
  9. Lee82UK

    ATi Catalyst 9.6 Download

    Quote from a guy on Guru3d: I have downloaded them but can't try them until I get home this evening which is a few hours away. I'll report my findings once I've tried them out.
  10. Lee82UK

    ATi Catalyst 9.6 Download

    They appear to be leaked official drivers (not beta).
  11. BIS said these drivers may help performance: Updated: Official drivers available at http://game.amd.com/us-en/drivers_catalyst.aspx
  12. What town/village is this? I've looked everywhere and can't find him at all. Should he show up on my map or anything?
  13. Yes there is a bug in the tracker here: http://dev-heaven.net/issues/show/1770 Please 'vote' for the bug if it affects you! Hopefully BIS are prioritising bugs based on votes?
  14. Lee82UK


    Update, just managed to force Vsync off using ATi Tray Tools (as I noticed alot of the time during arma2 mark I was locked to 60fps) Test 1: 73.0344 Test 2: 87.6625 Test 3: 55.5379 Test 4: 71.3861 Test 5: 24.5284 Score: 6242.99