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About Aperson444

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  1. Aperson444

    Bullet Stray

    That's actually not true. Not completely. the AKM has a very low trajectory, so range is a problem. It's maybe 150-250 m range. The newer AK's are better because of their cartridge (5.45). The AK-103 is an AK-74M that uses the old AKM cartridge more efficiently (it should be implemented too, as it is being exported by Russia in the masses). The M16 is only slightly more accurate than the modern day (and old) AK series. (the AKM is the improved AK-47 released in the 50's btw)
  2. Aperson444

    more pistols?

    We can't just give a faction random SMGs and Handguns. Most Armed Forces, even Special Forces have only a few. If anything, I'd give the insurgents many different guns, but in small amounts, because arms dealers can sell any gun. Maybe Chernarus could be like Iraq, where hey still have old weapons, and weapons bought from USA. M1911 would be nice, perhaps the USP .45 for some