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About Ogryzek

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Ogryzek

    New idea. Drugs wars.

    New voice actors please. Cold war crisis never had such bad voice acting. I especially cringed during BAF. (Corr, blimey. All right lads, you want a fucking cup of tea guv'nor?)
  2. Ogryzek

    Russian Helicopter Sounds

    Ups, I meant the Havoc. Did a test in editor of fly by's and I cannot hear even a minute difference between the 3 Russian helicopters. Surely the contra rotors on the Hokum make it sound different, and the Mi-17 beefier than the Hind?
  3. All the Russian helicopters are using the same sounds. Shouldn't they have different tonality, pitch and frequency of sound? I know they use the same turboshaft engine but in these videos you can hear the rotors having distinct differences. In a game of warfare CTI I can never tell what OPFOR is flying. On another note will the Hokum ever be added officially? And the ability to allow infantry to use their weapons whilst in a helicopter?
  4. Ogryzek

    Do you like the ArmA2 OA box art?

    I bought this... §15) Do not hotlink images over 100kb (102400 bytes) in size. Read the forum rules please. /Alex ...while wishing it looked like this.
  5. What's the point in exploiting game mechanics? Isn't the idea to use guerilla tactics? Not even Che Guevera captured Cuba in 3hrs... and he wrote the book on guerilla warfare.
  6. Ogryzek

    DICE pays attention to PC Gamers, apparently

    They did release patch 1.5 for Battlefield 2, so I guess that's something. Never thought I would see 1.5, that's almost Valvian level of support.
  7. Ogryzek

    Bad things about Arma2

    what about making it compulsory to join a human squad?
  8. Ogryzek

    Vista Installation Trouble

    I created an empty Codemasters folder in C:\ I installed the game to C:\Codemasters\Operation Flashpoint I did not use autorun and instead started installation from the setup exe. in 'run as administrator mode'.
  9. Do lasers have an advantage over optics in OFP and Arma, specifically when shooting pixels at long distance? G500 is £40, that's a lot for a mouse no?
  10. Help! I have a dilemma. Which mouse should I buy? http://www.amazon.co.uk/Logitech-MX400-Performance-Laser-Mouse/dp/B000EU6AAU http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B000NIJ438/ref=pd_lpo_k2_dp_sr_1?pf_rd_p=471057153&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=B000AOIP9Y&pf_rd_m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&pf_rd_r=0CS8EJG9663VFD545Q4J The G5 is more expensive but is it worth the extra £20? I am on a tight student budget, but I use my mouse a lot for CAD and I don't want carpal tunnel/arthritis in my 20's. My old mouse gave me terrible pain in the wrist. Anyone here own one/both of these mice? Ergonomics are most important for me. Which one is the most comfortable and requires least movement? I read the MX400 forces you to move it with your elbow rather than the wrist? Is this true also for the G5? I am right handed and I would say my hands are average sized.
  11. Ogryzek

    Vista Installation Trouble

    I already had UAC turned off, but I changed the directory and the game installed fine. Now I have a new problem. I get constant flickering/missing and matrix like writing in textures. The laptop runs a 945GM, which I think supports vertex and pixel 2.0. The game is patched to 1.96. EDIT: Got it working, just had to update vista and direct x
  12. Ogryzek

    Vista Installation Trouble

    Hi all, I am having trouble installing Flashpoint GOTY (PC gamer edition) on Vista 32 bit ultimate, on my Acer Aspire 5630. At the end of installation a pop-up says the game did not install correctly and might not work. During installation it creates the files in the folders it's supposed to, but after the pop-up ALL the files disappear. I've tried installing to a different place, but the same problem persists. The game just won't install. Any one else had this problem?
  13. Would still like to see a new muzzleflash animation instead of the sprite.
  14. Ogryzek


    Strategic bombing in Warfare mode anyone? Tupolevs dropping nukes?