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Everything posted by Modnar

  1. Afternoon all, I had a random idea of trying to make a mod that a few members of my clan(not me though) work on (NZDF) fully persistant information (IE hooked up to a database /txt file). I had a look around and found through functions such as loadFile get the info into arma (all be it rather crudely) but getting info stored at all seems not do able currently... Had a look through BIS wiki and forums and came up empty handed for a any solution. Possibly going through server debug statements are a possibility but I can see server performance suffering from this. I came across through my search engine travel of a program called Armed Assault Data Storage which hooked into Arma1 (external DLL it seems) but all references lead to http://www.armedassault.eu/forum/viewthread.php?forum_id=20&thread_id=1088 which is now dead as they redid the site so any info is lost and I cant get a cache of the page at all. So any infomation on this would be greatly appreciated. So has anyone heard of anything to allow to do this or any clues to point me in the right direction please. I am willing to code up a program and/or a library to hook into Arma2 to do this just understandably documentation for this is none existant.
  2. Sweet thanks for that gives me a few ideas of porting it to arma2. Its a clever way of doing it but its a wee bit nasty at the same time