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Everything posted by (CHS) ChIcHeZ

  1. (CHS) ChIcHeZ

    SQF revive script

    Hello again Norrin, Excellent... thanks!!! :D After some test we managed to make it work, but with a small problem, only units that came with ACE can revive (I mean, act like the medic) others (here doesn't matter if there are from ACE or 3rd party addons). While it's a solucion we don't know why or how to fix it, do you have any idea why this happens? Sorry for de inconvenience and thank you for your time again. (CHS) ChIcHeZ
  2. (CHS) ChIcHeZ

    SQF revive script

    Norrin, Hi, im ChIcHeZ from CHS, in our group we're been using for long time your amazing script, because out playing behaviour is rather xtreme and we're trying to have the more acurate realism as we can; and thanks to your work we reached that level. But now, we play using ACE mod and we're not able to make work your script correctly, we're not able to make the medic the only who can revive... ¿is this possible? Sorry for de inconvenience and thank you for your time. Best regards. PD: Sorry for my English