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Everything posted by LEEROY_UK


    SLi Support (Or lack thereof!)

    Yeh sucks deosnt it :mad::(

    SLi Support (Or lack thereof!)

    I get worse performance in Crossfire mode , runs better with one card , deosnt make sense !? Q6600 @3GHZ 2X HD4870's 512MB 4GB CORSAIR RAM VISTA 64
  3. NEWSFLASH ............................... ARMA 2 ...............................Taliban training tool !
  4. Can someone please help me , i have no idea what is going on in multyplayer ! Ive just spent £1000 on a new pc just to play this game and when i join a game i dont know what im doing . Knowone talks which amazed me i thought it was a team game , are there squads ? I need somebody to teach me how to play this online, i ask in game but nobody wants to help they just kick me from the game :mad: There should be a tutorial for MP as its very offputting for newcomers. I was playing a 50 player game btw.

    Help with multyplayer

    Thank you very much for all your help , i will try your sudjestions , Ive been on the Kellys Heros server and they have been very helpfull with us noobs on there, even assigning us a squad leader to show us the ropes. Its going to take a while to learn it all as theres so much to it but im getting there ! Thanks again guys
  6. Will you be fixing this issue in further patches Suma ?

    The Campaign - Absolutely Incredible

    The game is awesome , definately 'game 2' . The game works very well and weve only had one patch !lol So much more than i hoped for .

    Dynamic conversation system

    Ive had a few enemy surrender during the campaign and the single missions, they drop there weapons and put there hands behind there head ,very cool indeed !

    ArmA2 crash to desktop

    Yup i have this one too ''Out of Memory'' Error ErrorMessage: Out of memory (requested 3964 KB). Reserved 294912 KB. Total free 11821 KB Free blocks 617, Max free size 3798 KB (Mine differs slightly , cant remember the numbers excactly) Q6600 4GB COSAIR RAM HD4870 IN CROSSFIRE VISTA 64 ASUS P5Q PRO