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About wursthase

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    Private First Class
  1. don't think so you might not be able to use your mid-mission-savegame tho anyway, in my test i clicked on "replay" and not "rewind" so delaying the bear didn't get unlocked....can't be bothered to test it again with rewind just now :(
  2. i just tried that. i guess you didn't skip the mission 'accidentally' because endmission seems to take the other "path" in the bitter chill mission, so you actually never play delaying the bear using endmission. gonna try and play bitter chill now and take the "delaying the bear"-route, i'll report back :D
  3. wursthase

    Patch 1.03 suggestions

    1. Make language-change possible for german users. 2. Fix the Campaign (Delaying the bear) 3. Fix the Campaign for Coop play (after loading a savegame) (not 100% sure if that is fixed yet) 4. Improve netcode a little bit (jaggy movement if in vehicle with other players) :D Guess that's it
  4. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=73930
  5. extracting the .pbo and playing from the editor, the mission works
  6. so there's no way of playing the campaign after delaying the bear until patch 1.3 ? the workaround doesn't seem all that great
  7. wursthase

    Manhatten Bug List

    for me it works better. i can call artillery and STILL call air-transport, so that's good. manual-saving gives me "cannot commit" tho, autosave seems to work.
  8. great news.... decreasing F5-hammering interval to 30 seconds now :D
  9. nah it'll probably be "released" in the forums first, like 1.01 beta don't you think? took them another hour to update that page IIRC :D
  10. wursthase

    Change the Language in Arma 2?

    Hi, with the patch that is (hopefully :D) coming today will we be able to change the game language to english? Thx
  11. wursthase

    Pilot dies midair.

    that worked, thank you :D
  12. Hi, I have a Airplane where I put myself in using movetoCargo. Now I want the Pilot to die midair (like he's having a heart attack or something *g*). How do I do that? I know it's probably something w/ setdamage. But how do I go about acessing *only* the pilot, not the whole airplane? Any help would be appreciated.