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Everything posted by mr71mb0

  1. Yes, but as I said, on the single player campaign I have found that the FPS drops to 25fps for some reason. Setting Graphics as low as possible doesn't increase them. So it doesn't seem to be linked to graphics settings. on the 1st island it's up round 75fps with full graphics settings.
  2. not totally correct. One of the Devs has already confirmed that depending on workload and the current situation, either higher clock or more core would yeild more performance. Obviously the faster quad you can get the better.
  3. I@ve just done some testing on FPS with Fraps. on Boot Camp I get 75fps with everything on High, fillrate @ 100%, view dist at 3km. During the Campaign I am at this bit where my FPS is very low. it hovers around 25fps + or - 3fps and doesn't reall vary much. Looking straight at the ground or straight up doesn't change it like you'd normally expect. Furthermore, I then set everything as low as possible. even fill rate @ 50%. The Fps's didn't change at all. Either this is down to an issue in the graphics engine, or poor optimisation, or the bottle neck is totally down to the cpu and AI requirements at the time. My Spec is Windows7 64bit 4GB Ram Core 2 Duo @ 3.2GHZ GTX 260 216 - latest drivers.
  4. Hi Walker, looking over the patch history for Arma1, the 505 release (1.05) was a unifying patch that included all languages. So I'd say it's likely this will happen again.
  5. anyone know if the German version of ARMA1 got english language txt once patched to the UK versions? Should this be the same with UK 505 release of ARMA2? I don't want to have to re-buy the UK one later on to get UK text without using the unofficial txt files.
  6. well I don't really see the ARMA series in the same was as more mainstream games are (Call of Duty type series). Most people who discover ARMA won't do it though reviews, chances are they will seek it out themselves.
  7. true, but once the UK release goes ahead on the 19th of June there will be a patch to unify all the versions, this should provide the German version with the ability to select UK language surely?
  8. tbh I don't really care what they get upto, ARMA2 excited me and I had to have it as soon as possible. If you had to wait till a game was perfect and had no bugs then they would never get released, so complex are they these days. I also get so sick of seeing previews of how ace these games are and then have to wait a year or more to get hold of them. That's why as a non German speaking UK resident I bought this version and I'll put up with the little annoyances till they get it all fixed.
  9. I keep seeing that people refer to the German version and that they will wait for the 505 UK version. I bought the German version, but my expectation is that they are the same game, it's just the 505 later release will have had some of the kinks worked out. ALL versions (german release & later 505 UK release) will all be patched to same version and there will be no differences. Wasn't this how it was with ARMA1? Sure the german version will give you more of a rocky ride, but then you are getting it earlier aren't you. Personally I'd much rather get my hands on it early with the understanding there will be some issues. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
  10. The video dslyecxi posted of the trackIR showed really smooth FPS. Does anyone know what build, Machine Spec & Graphics settings he was using?
  11. I will add, that right now, even with the higher end cards such as the GTX285, performance is patchy. This will almost certainly be fixed with patches and driver updates down the line.
  12. you can pick up an ATI 4850 512 for about £85 and they are pretty good out of the box. And with a bit of overclocking should do well. ATI's are supposed to be good with ARMA2. Don't expect miracles but with Game engine updates via future patches etc. For £85 you get a lot of card for your money. A 4870 would be a better option but a 512MB version would set you back approx £100 and a 1GB version about £135. As always, the longer you can wait, the cheaper they will get and the more you could get for your money.
  13. Could be a driver issue? I expect BI will get it patched and nvidia & ati will release some driver updates. In urban environments Upping the detail doesn't seem to slow the fps down any for me. I'll get fraps on to measure my fps.
  14. I sometimes hear explosions and gunfire even when no one is about. Hard to know if I'm being attacked or not. Also on the Manhattan mission I get this russian radio station talking over everything, it seems to loop and no way to shut it up. Totally ruins the mission. I did use the x4 time acceleration at one point to speed up a long journey, I suppose this could have screwed it up? Or just a big fat bug. It's still there if I quit a reload my save too. Patch 1 has been applier btw.
  15. yeah I just got mine. about 14 hours after initial purchase. same as previous poster said.