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About lemmy

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  1. lemmy

    ArmA2 crash to desktop

    I installed the game on my XP/Geforce PC an it runs very smooth. So i don't know if the problem is the ATI Card or the Windws version. Do you mean it could be a key problem?! What will happen if i have mistyped my key on my Vista/Ati machine? I think i have to get a error message ("inv key" or so).
  2. On my Vista/ATI System it crashes every time i start ist after a short time. I think its not a problem with the optionsdialog. I think its a general issue with a mem overrun or so... have you tried to start the game without changing the keys? Does it work?
  3. lemmy

    ArmA2 crash to desktop

    Same here... Vista 32 Bit with ATI 4870 and latest drivers. The Game starts an crashes to desktop after 5 sek playing the tutorial. Tried different Settings... sometimes it crashes ihn the mainmenu when i stay there long enough. It looks like a mem overrun... I will try it on my second PC (XP / Geforce 8800 GTS).