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Everything posted by Dan86

  1. Hi there, i placed duws on zargabad with fixed zones and hq but there is problem with hq double spawns at hq gamelogic placed in editor. Did i forgot something or just did wrong somewhere (yes i modified entries in init.sqf as they where said to mod them) Beside that everything is working great.
  2. WPB Anders, still some objects need modelling and tweaking but a lot has been made already:
  3. KTO Rosomak, base model with base texture but theres still a lot to do...
  4. Oh man you just make my day. Have you plan to add ACE stuff also? I started to do that, but its a lot of typing,copyng,pasting so its gonna take me a while. But i can share after i done if you interested.
  5. Dan86

    server settings

    You can try with following values: MinBandwidth= 10000000 MaxBandwidth= 20000000 MaxMsgSend = 512 MaxSizeGuaranteed = 256 MaxSizeNonguaranteed = 128 Thats something for begin with. But you may need tweak those values to get best results depending on how many ppl gonna be on the server. Also you may wanna check out wiki for more detailed description. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/basic.cfg heres a part of it:
  6. You should be able to scroll down (like a web page) in those sections, then you gonna see some sounds/voices.
  7. Thanks man, this worked. For any more interested in respawning air vehicle folded and locked. //Cobra Fold _vehicle = _this select 0; if (isengineOn _vehicle) exitwith {hint format ["Cannot fold when engine is running %1!", _type_name]}; _vehicle animate ["mainrotor_folded",0]; _vehicle animate ["mainrotor_unfolded",1]; _vehicle animate ["rotorshaft_unfolded",1]; _vehicle setVehicleLock "LOCKED"; //Cobra UnFold _vehicle = _this select 0; if (isengineOn _vehicle) exitwith {hint format ["Cannot fold when engine is running %1!", _type_name]}; _vehicle animate ["mainrotor_folded",1]; _vehicle animate ["mainrotor_unfolded",0]; _vehicle animate ["rotorshaft_unfolded",0]; _vehicle setVehicleLock "UNLOCKED"; //Osprey fold _vehicle = _this select 0; if (isengineOn _vehicle) exitwith {hint format ["Cannot fold when engine is running %1!", _type_name]}; _vehicle setVehicleLock "LOCKED"; _vehicle = [_vehicle,1] execvm "\ca\air2\mv22\scripts\pack.sqf"; //Osprey Unfold _vehicle = _this select 0; if (isengineOn _vehicle) exitwith {hint format ["Cannot fold when engine is running %1!", _type_name]}; _vehicle = [_vehicle,0] execvm "\ca\air2\mv22\scripts\pack.sqf"; _vehicle setVehicleLock "UNLOCKED"; //UH1Y Fold _vehicle = _this select 0; if (isengineOn _vehicle) exitwith {hint format ["Cannot fold when engine is running %1!", _type_name]}; _xtype = [_vehicle,1] execVM "\Ca\air2\UH1Y\Scripts\fold.sqf"; _vehicle setVehicleLock "LOCKED"; //UH1Y UnFold _vehicle = _this select 0; if (isengineOn _vehicle) exitwith {hint format ["Cannot fold when engine is running %1!", _type_name]}; _xtype = [_vehicle,0] execVM "\Ca\air2\UH1Y\Scripts\fold.sqf"; _vehicle setVehicleLock "UNLOCKED"; You can call this scripts when vehicle gets respawned by Xeno respawn script. This is for Cobra (ahfold.sqf is the name of folding cobra file) Cobra init: handle = [this, 220] execVM "x_scripts\x_vehirespawnAH.sqf"; nul=[this,1] execVM "ahfold.sqf"; this addAction ["Fold", "ahfold.sqf", [], 0, false, true, ""]; this addAction ["Unfold", "ahunfold.sqf", [], 0, false, true, ""]; // by Xeno private ["_delay","_disabled","_moved","_newveh","_startdir","_startpos","_type","_vehicle"]; if (!isServer) exitWith{}; _vehicle = _this select 0; _delay = _this select 1; _moved = false; _startpos = getpos _vehicle; _startdir = getdir _vehicle; _type = typeof _vehicle; while {true} do { sleep (_delay + random 15); _moved = (if (_vehicle distance _startpos > 5) then {true} else {false}); _empty = (if (({alive _x} count (crew _vehicle)) > 0) then {false} else {true}); _disabled = (if (damage _vehicle > 0) then {true} else {false}); if ((_disabled && _empty) || (_moved && _empty) || (_empty && !(alive _vehicle))) then { deletevehicle _vehicle; _vehicle = objNull; sleep 0.5; _vehicle = _type createvehicle _startpos; _vehicle setpos _startpos; _vehicle setdir _startdir; _vehicle addAction ["Fold", "ahfold.sqf",[],0,false]; _vehicle addAction ["Unfold", "ahunfold.sqf",[],0,false]; [_vehicle] execVM "ahfold.sqf"; //_vehicle addeventhandler ["killed", {_this execVM "ahfold.sqf"}]; }; };
  8. Like in the topic: "respawnvehicle.sqf" calls "ahfold.sqf" to respawn with folded rotor. //respawnvehicle deletevehicle _vehicle; _vehicle = objNull; sleep 0.5; _vehicle = _type createvehicle _startpos; _vehicle setpos _startpos; _vehicle setdir _startdir; _vehicle addAction ["Fold", "ahfold.sqf",[],0,false]; _vehicle addAction ["Unfold", "ahunfold.sqf",[],0,false]; [b]_vehicle execVM "ahfold.sqf";[/b] //Fold _vehicle = _this select 0; _vehicle animate ["mainrotor_folded",0]; _vehicle animate ["mainrotor_unfolded",1]; _vehicle animate ["rotorshaft_unfolded",1]; _vehicle setVehicleLock "LOCKED"; however this dosn't work like i wish to work. Vehicle is being respawned without folded rotor and unlocked.
  9. This is for A10 this fire "BombLauncherA10"; put that code in waypoint init field. However this is pretty simple and can not work every time. Here is full script: ;Note: You have to put an empty Heli-H on the map called "ASTarget", and you have to place a //marker called "Firedirection". ;If you want the Airstrike to hit a fixed position, just delete the ;setfire-part and put the "ASTarget" on the position that you want to hit. Hope it works... _player = player; setfire=true; titleText ["Click on map to send coordinates","plain down"]; onMapSingleClick "ASTarget setPos _pos; setfire=false"; @!setfire; "Firedirection" setmarkerpos getPos ASTarget; onMapSingleClick ""; titleText ["", "plain down"]; ;=========DEFINE======================= _dropPosition = getpos ASTARGET; ~0.1 _dropPosX = _dropPosition select 0; _dropPosY = _dropPosition select 1; _dropPosZ = _dropPosition select 2; ~0.1 ;Aircraft1 _planespawnpos = [_dropPosX -3000, _dropPosY, _dropPosZ + 200]; _pilotspawnpos = [_dropPosX -3000, _dropPosY, _dropPosZ + 200]; ~1.1 ;Aircraft2 _planespawnpos2 = [_dropPosX -3000, _dropPosY, _dropPosZ + 230]; _pilotspawnpos2 = [_dropPosX -3000, _dropPosY, _dropPosZ + 230]; ;=========CREATE======================= _PlaneG = creategroup WEST; _PlaneG2 = creategroup WEST; ~0.1 _plane = createVehicle ["A10",_planespawnpos,[], 0, "FLY"]; _plane setPos [(getPos _plane select 0),(getPos _plane select 1),200]; _pilot = "USMC_Soldier_Pilot" createUnit [getMarkerPos "Firedirection", _PlaneG, "P1=this"]; _plane setDir (getdir _player); _Plane setVelocity [220,0,0]; _PlaneG = [_plane,1] execvm "CA\Data\ParticleEffects\SCRIPTS\misc\aircraftvapour.sqf"; ~0.5 _plane2 = createVehicle ["A10",_planespawnpos2,[], 0, "FLY"]; _plane2 setPos [(getPos _plane2 select 0),(getPos _plane2 select 1),230]; _pilot2 = "USMC_Soldier_Pilot" createUnit [getMarkerPos "Firedirection", _PlaneG2, "P2=this"]; _plane2 setDir (getdir _player); _Plane2 setVelocity [220,0,0]; _PlaneG2 = [_plane2,1] execvm "CA\Data\ParticleEffects\SCRIPTS\misc\aircraftvapour.sqf"; ~0.1 ;Aircraft1 P1 moveinDriver _plane; P1 setDamage 0; P1 action ["gear_up", vehicle P1]; _plane setSpeedMode "FULL"; p1 setBehaviour "RED"; ;Aircraft2 P2 moveinDriver _plane2; P2 setDamage 0; P2 action ["gear_up", vehicle P2]; _plane2 setSpeedMode "FULL"; p2 setBehaviour "RED"; ~1 #CHECK ;hintsilent "Strafing with 30mm Anti-Personnel"; ;Aircraft1 _plane setVehicleAmmo 1; _plane fire "Gau8"; ;Aircraft2 _plane2 setVehicleAmmo 1; _plane2 fire "Gau8"; ;Aircraft1 _plane flyinheight 140; P1 doMove getPos ASTarget; P1 doTarget ASTarget; P1 doWatch ASTarget; P1 setBehaviour "RED"; ? (_plane distance ASTarget) < 1300 : goto "DROP" ;Aircraft2 _plane2 flyinheight 140; P2 doMove getPos ASTarget; P2 doTarget ASTarget; P2 doWatch ASTarget; P2 setBehaviour "RED"; ? (_plane2 distance ASTarget) < 1300 : goto "DROP" goto "CHECK" ;=========FIRE======================= #DROP _i = 0 ;Aircraft1 _plane flyinheight 100; ;Aircraft2 _plane2 flyinheight 100; #FIRE _i=_i+1 ;Aircraft1 _plane setVehicleAmmo 1; _plane fire "BombLauncherA10"; ;Aircraft2 _plane2 setVehicleAmmo 1; _plane2 fire "BombLauncherA10"; ;hintsilent "Bombs Dropped"; ~3 ;Aircraft1 ;p1 action ["useWeapon",vehicle _plane,driver vehicle p1,1]; ;Aircraft2 ;p2 action ["useWeapon",vehicle _plane2,driver vehicle p2,1]; ? _i <= 6 : goto "FIRE" ;=========FLY AWAY======================= ASTarget setPos [0,0,0]; "Firedirection" setMarkerPos [0,0]; ;Aircraft1 _plane setSpeedMode "FULL"; ;Aircraft2 _plane2 setSpeedMode "FULL"; ~5 P1 doMove getPos ASTarget; P2 doMove getPos ASTarget; #Check2 ;Aircraft1 _plane flyinheight 200; ;Aircraft2 _plane2 flyinheight 200; ;Aircraft1 _plane setDamage 0; _plane setVehicleAmmo 1; _Plane setFuel 1; P1 setDamage 0; ? (_plane distance Player) > 2500 : goto "ENDE" ;Aircraft2 _plane2 setDamage 0; _plane2 setVehicleAmmo 1; _Plane2 setFuel 1; P2 setDamage 0; ? (_plane2 distance Player) > 2500 : goto "ENDE" goto "Check2" ;=========DELETE======================== #ENDE hintSilent "'A10' is returning to base - over"; ;Aircraft1 deleteVehicle _plane; deleteGroup _PlaneG; deleteVehicle P1; ;Aircraft2 deleteVehicle _plane2; deleteGroup _PlaneG2; deleteVehicle P2; exitWith USAGE Note: You have to put an empty Heli-H on the map called "ASTarget", and you have to place a marker called "Firedirection". If you want the Airstrike to hit a fixed position, just delete the setfire-part and put the "ASTarget" on the position that you want to hit. Hope it works...
  10. Dan86

    Force kneel?

    this setunitpos "MIDDLE" you put that in solider initialization field, and then he is kneeing and walking middle all the time. No this not work on human players only AI.
  11. Dan86

    SLX Mod WIP

    There is a bug, when any vechicle is being destroyed game and server crashes. I discovered that yesterday when my team was testing SLX2.
  12. Anyone tryed to make kind of vapour trail casted by falling arty shell? Or rather a smudge after falling shell...
  13. Ammobox here is named "ammo". Parachute is named "para". You need to name both things, the name can be whatever you want. In ammobox init: ammo attachTo [para,[0,0,3]]; In parachute init: this setpos [(getpos this select 0),(getpos this select 1),370]; all you can find in editor, no need for other stuff, how ever this very "cheap" way to do it but you can write some easy script for that to delay or trigger drop. Anyway I think kylania did found some better way to do it.
  14. Or you can cover carrier area with trigger and tweak following code from Weasel [PXS] to match your needs. // Written by Weasel [PXS] - andy@andymoore.ca // This script rearms, refuels, and repairs vehicles. // Vehicles must be less than height 2 (typically landed, if air vehicles) and must remain in the // trigger area for 3 seconds. It then drains all fuel, repairs, rearms, and refuels. // // Setup a trigger area to activate this (F3 in map editor) with the following settings: // // Trigger REPEATEDLY, BLUFOR, PRESENT // Name: Rearmlist // Condition: this; // Activation: {[_x] execVM "rearm.sqf"} foreach thislist; // // Warning: If this trigger area overlaps another trigger area (such as ammo-transport Scripts), sometimes // things don't work as planned. Keep this seperate if you can. _unit = _this select 0; // Don't start the script until the unit is below a height of 2, and make sure they hold that // height for at least 1 seconds. WaitUntil{(getPos _unit select 2)<2}; sleep 1; if((getPos _unit select 2)>2 || not (_unit in list Rearmlist)) exitWith{}; //_unit setFuel 0; _unit VehicleChat "Repairing..."; sleep 3.5; _unit setDammage 0; _unit VehicleChat "Rearming..."; sleep 3.5; _unit setVehicleAmmo 1; _unit VehicleChat "Refueling..."; sleep 3.5; _unit setFuel 1; _unit VehicleChat "Finished."; if(true) exitWith{};
  15. there is clientside addon called "sap_clutter" and its make grass shorter. I didnt found any script for that so far.
  16. Dan86

    flak script

    Oh man this is great, but when you connect this script and flak script created by SUPR3ME KILL3R and Updated for Arma 2 Zu-23 by Recoilless its even better, you see aa fire from ground up to sky and then explosions in the midair. Now only need WWII mod ;]
  17. You will find that variable in: i_server.sqf // allmost the same like above // first element the max number of ai "foot" groups that will get spawned, second element minimum number (no number for vehicles in group necessary) d_footunits_guard = [ #ifndef __TT__ [4,2], // basic groups [1,0] // specop groups #else [4,2], // basic groups [1,0] // specop groups #endif and much more...
  18. Dan86

    Troops movement

    You can also use UPS script from Kronzky (urban patrol script), you only need make marker ex.200x200, and put: Required parameters: unit = Unit to patrol area (1st argument) markername = Name of marker that covers the active area. (2nd argument) In the init field of group leader you put: nul=[this,"town"] execVM "ups.sqf" and they start to patrol marker area random ways. There are also more parameters you can define: Optional parameters: random = Place unit at random start position. randomdn = Only use random positions on ground level. randomup = Only use random positions at top building positions. min:n/max:n = Create a random number (between min and max) of 'clones'. init:string = Custom init string for created clones. nomove = Unit will stay at start position until enemy is spotted. nofollow = Unit will only follow an enemy within the marker area. delete:n = Delete dead units after 'n' seconds. nowait = Do not wait at patrol end points. noslow = Keep default behaviour of unit (don't change to "safe" and "limited"). noai = Don't use enhanced AI for evasive and flanking maneuvers. showmarker = Display the area marker. trigger = Display a message when no more units are left in sector. empty:n = Consider area empty, even if 'n' units are left. track = Display a position and destination marker for each unit.
  19. @kylania Yep AI have some trouble to find you when you fire SD gun, but when you put SD ammo into normal weapon there is no such effect and you can be tracked easly.
  20. Hello, i was wonering if there is any way to make for example MG gunner be able to put MG nest (like in domination from Xeno).I already tried the _this = player _this createvehicle "Fort_Nest_M240" _pos = getpos player _dir = getdir player player playMove "AinvPknlMstpSlayWrflDnon_medic"; sleep 4; hint "DONE" but knowing my scripting skills this is not how it should look like, any ideas?
  21. Yes medic animation was completed but mg was locked so i couldnt get in there. After setting it as UNLOCKED it was 90degree 'bug' afterthat tried setDir/getdir and it fix that problem. _player = plr6; _player playMove "AinvPknlMstpSlayWrflDnon_medic"; waitUntil{!(alive _player) || animationState _player == "AinvPknlMstpSlayWrflDnon_medic"}; if(alive _player)then{ sleep 4; _newMG = createVehicle ["Fort_Nest_M240",(getPos _player),[],0,"NONE"]; _newMG setDir (getdir _player); _newMG setVehicleLock "UNLOCKED" }; Now works great, this wouldnt be possible without your help, thanks'a'ton Big Dawg
  22. Damn Big Dawg you're a real champ in that. Was some problems on beggining but i change the _player = plr6 to match the in game variable and it worked. But now when i set the "_newMG" as unlocked to be able to get in, solider look 90degress left, he is not looking forward where the gun is pointing, that is very strange. _player = plr6; _player playMove "AinvPknlMstpSlayWrflDnon_medic"; waitUntil{!(alive _player) || animationState _player == "AinvPknlMstpSlayWrflDnon_medic"}; if(alive _player)then{ sleep 4; _newMG = createVehicle ["Fort_Nest_M240",(getPos _player),[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _newMG setVectorDir (vectorDir _player); _newMG setVehicleLock "UNLOCKED" };
  23. Is this gonna also affect AI on dedi server, will work for clients when I put it in server addons? or evey one client need that addon?
  24. Dan86

    Dedi: HowTo setup Difficulty Level?

    Yea but when i start dedicated server without or with -profiles parameter it dosnt use difficulty setting i set up there. Looks like it loads default difficulty setting( and i dont like that i want enemy waste some ammo before they can hit me or any1 from squad, want battle more immersive with bullets soniccracks near my head not in my head after second shot of enemy AI) @echo on "D:\Gry\ArmA 2\arma2server.exe" -cpucount=4 -cfg=gca2dst_basic.cfg -config=server.cfg -profiles=C:\Users\Dan\Documents\ArmA 2 -name=Dan -port=2302 -mod=@editor;@my;@hifi -netlog FOR /F "TOKENS=1* DELIMS= " %%A IN ('DATE/T') DO SET DATE=%%B FOR /F "TOKENS=*" %%A IN ('TIME/T') DO SET TIME=%%A ECHO 3 %TIME% 0.33 %DATE% GOTO RESTART
  25. Dan86

    Dedi: HowTo setup Difficulty Level?

    How i can use my difficulty profile from arma2profile file in my docs? That i used in Arma1 and was working: -profiles=C:\Users\Dan\Documents\ArmA 2 -name=Dan this should do work but i cant get it to work. Any ideas?