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Everything posted by Snake_61

  1. Thank You Mark, as always You take care of Your "people" ;) Glod to know now about this "problem" and knowing it's not my machine, which causes trouble! Take Your time, I know Your in that Apocalypse-stuff involved these days.
  2. Still like playing "LOST" a lot...but I'm having problems! Updated to Ver.5.7 and it still takes very long to search Houses.No matter if Chernorus-Map or Podagorsk-Map. I'm on first day afternoon 5p.m. in Podagorsk and gained 26%victory, I think after so much battle the CPU-load could be high? Standing near a door of a house, takes very long to get option for "search"...then after clicking on search still very much time to get any result! But if I switch to map then back, it happens that "searchcommand" instantly appears or the search shows any results!? This is not always the case... Don't think the CPU is the bottleneck, it's a i7-920 @4GHz... Oh yes...another strange thing happened: started Mission with Ver.5.4 then updated to 5.7 manually. But last time I played I got a message (ingame) that it updated automaticly to Vers. 5.5 ! Again,great Mission and big challenge...but Housesearching is slowing down so it's becoming almost unplayable. Any clues or help are realy welcomed.
  3. Thanks a lot Mark, now that's fast...great! It works fine now...just tested. :) I didn't know I was reporting a bug! :)
  4. Hi, somehow I can't get the Iranian Forces to work in "Lost" ! I am trying to play as USMC and the iranians as OPFOR, but everytime after choosing Factions, I get a black screen. Marks' iranian config is used too, NLA is working but iranian inf. or others won't come up. Any ideas or similar problems?
  5. Very interesting thing about the viewdistance! I'ld like to increase it a bit...but how? Should it be possible via Video / options within the ArmA-Menu? Got it there at 5000m, but Chernarous is very "foggy" :)
  6. Hi Mark, great job creating these LOST-Missions! Strategic and tactical gameplay with very high immersion...just great I've started the Chernarous-Mission and had to choose Factions. In the menu I had the chance to increase the number of factions,what does that mean? Higher numbers means more soldiers on whole map, or only the number of soldiers is devided by the factions? I am not sure what I'm adjusting with the increase or decraese button. Thanks in advance
  7. Ok thx SXP, was doing some searching also in Houses but wasn't sure... :) Goin back to mission...bit in a hurry now ;)
  8. Compliments, nice missions...! Playing it in SP-Mode with ACE and like it good. In the 2nd Mission "The Patrol" i can not find the Weapons-Cache that needs to be destroyed in the 1st Village!? Could someone give a hint please?
  9. Thx Sweguy96, that's what I thought...
  10. Seems to be a good campaign! Just started the 1st Mission after downoaded all required Mods. Good immersion factor and impressive cutscenes... I was also curious about the RH-Weapons. My Question : does the AI/Characters use RH-Weapons automaticly or do I have to equip them manually?
  11. Snake_61

    AMS Roter Stern [Campaign]

    Well,tried the Cherno mission for X-Times... no fun anymore. How can enemy groups appear behind You? Yes,I've read what Tonci wrote and he is right. I have the latest Version 0.6 and it's a slaughter. After I found Igor's group, Infantry and Armour everywhere around attacking me. This realy have potential for a great campaign...pls rework it. Regards Snake
  12. @Tonci : Yes,I do have the latest Version 0.01c (4.10.2010) and I wanted to try it out. I also enjoyed the features in GL4 and love the missions done with DAC. Too bad I couldn't use this Mod with Bardosy's Campaign. "Chesty Puller" was also a great Campaign and maybe I'll try it one more time with Zeus_Ai!? ;)
  13. Thx Tonci & Bardosy for advices, already solved that problem - started mission again without ZEUS_Ai a et voila no problems! ;) @Bardosy: I only had that "bug" with Zeus_Ai! Your Mission is more than ok ...realy! Very many good ideas You've put in that campaign, I loved that "black-white cow"thing! Yes the Dialogs were great, some nice fitting voices would make that campaign a masterpiece.Seelix is right, but for me it's a 10/10
  14. Some guys are using ZEUS_Ai-Mod, so I thought I'll give it a try too. Mission:Morning Langdon was very sad! ;) The problem was that my Squad didn't follow orders! In dangerous situations, where I wanted them to follow and pull back, they just attacked further and did not even take cover. I tried it several times and used different tactics, but no can do - they had their own mind.
  15. Ok,Bardosy thx for info! And I thought it's because of the new patch :)
  16. @ Bardosy: I don't think You have to do anything about this "surrender-stuff",because it's from the new implemented scripts in the latest patch! I haven't notice this kind of Ai-behaviour before. Another new thing I saw in my Test-missions was that some soldiers used stationary stuff on their own! Again: I am not sure about this...and I do not say it's implemented now!
  17. Great Campaign Bardosy,very immersive. Just finished "STEP LEFT"-Mission.We took control over Chak-Chak,no more enemies around,but the mission would not end! I checked almost every house in Chak-Chak,but couldn't find any more enemies! Oh yes I have the latest patch... Then I remembered the two Takistani Soldiers near the Radar, who surrendered-standing there with their hands behind their heads. Well,these guys must be the ones I was looking for in order to end this mission!? I must admit,I had problems shooting them. It's only a game-but still... I am not using using any mods,only CBA. Like I said,very immersive! :)
  18. Snake_61

    AMS Roter Stern [Campaign]

    Yep...You're right, I missed some of the "bad guys"! :o Realy thought I got 'em all. In the "Vormarsch..."-Mission the SAVE-function is disabled. Well it maybe good for immersion, but it's a very long mission and somebody like me would prefer to play it in parts.Could You please activate the save-function in the next version? Just my humble opinion ;)
  19. Snake_61

    AMS Roter Stern [Campaign]

    Seems to me like a "nice" piece of work! Congrats for this job m8s 1st mission: we've taken airport and no more enemies found, why does it not end?:confused: In Notice or Briefing I've found no clue what else I have to do...if I have to do something additional? :)
  20. Snake_61

    New SP Mission "NMD" by Chneemann

    Fine Mission,very complex but saving Game is a problem when using mods! Had many probs until I switched off almost all Mods, exept Soundmod. Ace2 is great stuff,but should be only used when missions are made for it. Did have to learn it myself the "hard way" :-)
  21. oops...for enemy AI only??? :o O.k. thx Snkman know I see! You just made my day... ;) That's gonna be a hell of a fight! :cool: Danke sehr nochmals Snake
  22. Got a problem with friendly fire! My own units keep shootin at me:mad: It wasn't that way all of the time. Did some search but couldn't find answers. I'm playing on the "Podogorska"Map and any how I connect Player via "GL4:System-Module" or not they shoot me and my men.Sooner or later... These "crazy" units are synchronzied with "GL4 Static" or with "GL4 Custom". Is it related to the map? There was no such problem on other maps (Tschernoruss) - not that I remember!:confused: And no matter if I disconnect my Player from "SOM Module" or not,it doesn't change this shootin. Any ideas? Help very welcomed :)
  23. Hi Guys, I have 2Questions: Do I have to enable "RandomWeather" with -GL4_Random.sqf- to make it work?Or is it enough to place the RandomWeatherModule on Map? I'm using GL4 without ACE2. Find the Ai very interesting and good,what changes are to be expected if I use GL4 with Zeus-Ai? Thx Snake
  24. @SNKMAN: Thy m8 for Info.No it was not from another mod and there was no Ari-script inside! It were the Tanks! :D Yep the Abrams were firing at long range and i thought it was ari!And I wasn't used to Your new Sounds either, they are great ...very good!I like the whistling of the bullets when they fly thru my room!;)