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Posts posted by DRACUS

  1. Hello this is my 1º mission and i wanna put this working on Dedicated server but not working, the empty markers show up on the map and the scripts are not called.. on Host work.. i dont understand :(

    This is the init code.. anyone can help me?.. :icon_rolleyes:


    * Filename:
    * init.sqf 
    * Description:
    * launched on mission start
    * Created by [KH]Jman
    * Creation date: 07/12/2013
    * Email: jman@kellys-heroes.eu
    * Web: http://www.kellys-heroes.eu
    * */
    // ====================================================================================
    // DEFINES
    #define PP preprocessfilelinenumbers
    #define VAR_DEFAULT(var,val) if (isNil #var) then {var=(val);}
    // ====================================================================================	
    // SETUP	
    private ["_d"];
    gameOver = false;
    if (count playableUnits == 0) then {SP = true} else {SP = false};
    // ====================================================================================	
    // MAIN
    //Grab parameters and put them into readable variables
    for [ {_i = 0}, {_i < count(paramsArray)}, {_i = _i + 1} ] do
           call compile format 
                   "PARAMS_%1 = %2",
                   (configName ((missionConfigFile >> "Params") select _i)),
                   (paramsArray select _i)
    if (!isDedicated) then { initClientSaveLoadout = compile PP "functions\fnc_initClientSaveLoadout.sqf"; };
    if (PARAMS_ReviveEnabled == 1) then {
    	call compile preprocessFile "=BTC=_revive\=BTC=_revive_init.sqf";
    	if (PARAMS_MedicMarkers == 1) then { _null = [] execVM "misc\medicMarkers.sqf"; };
    	if (!isDedicated) then { [5] spawn initClientSaveLoadout; };
    if (PARAMS_PlayerMarkers == 1) then { _null = [] execVM "misc\playerMarkers.sqf"; };
    if (isDedicated) exitWith { "addToScore" addPublicVariableEventHandler { ((_this select 1) select 0) addScore 
    ((_this select 1) select 1); }; };
    // new Scripts
    [] call compile PP "briefings\briefing.sqf";
    [] spawn {call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "EPD\Ied_Init.sqf";}; 
    0 = execVM "IgiLoad\IgiLoadInit.sqf"; }
    [] execVM "zlt_fastrope.sqf";

  2. Arma 3 Still incomplete.. so much.. its sad and now they are making 1 DLC "ZEUS" (..zzzzz..) Dont work on factions, we dont have planes, we dont have some simple features like Use bipod of your weapon, attach satchel to vehicles(its on 1 video, and i dont see it yet ingame), bugs everywhere.

    If they make a DLC with all stuff of ArmA1/2 that will be awesome! but.. they make DLC"ZEUS".
