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About B-oodThorn

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal
  1. B-oodThorn

    SP/COOP Mission - Operation Viper

    Just walk up very close to the coms station and walk around it until you hit the trigger. Thanks to the Arma community for the feedback,i wont be supporting this mission any further (OFDR is arriving soon ;)) so if any you guys fancy editing it etc feel free. Cheers BT
  2. B-oodThorn

    SP/COOP Mission - Operation Viper

    Hi Tankbuster Try version 1.3,in that version ive removed the medic module (couldnt get it to work correctly) and the tasks should be fixed. Cheers
  3. B-oodThorn

    SP/COOP Mission - Operation Viper

    * Updated Coop to version 1.03* 1.03 Changelog Removed First Aid Module (bugged) Removed Clear Corpse Script (caused floating bodys) Added Snipers and Marksman Increased Soldier Patrols Added BRDM Patrols Adjusted AI Positioning (increased mission difficulty) Increased AI Skill Level Adjusted Minefield (too easy to pass) Added Civilian Boats All feedback welcome!
  4. The immortality bug has been fixed with 1.3,the first aid module works but ive also found that once you respawn AI doesnt react.Ive just tested it without FAM - respawned - AI kicked my ass.
  5. B-oodThorn

    Patch 1.04 suggestions

    Fix everything above my post.....and fix everything that gets posted below my post. Test the patch before you release it so not to create more bugs BIS!!!!!!!
  6. B-oodThorn

    Sound broken by 1.03?

    Im getting the same issues - - X-Fi XtremeGamer,xp64.
  7. B-oodThorn

    SP/COOP Mission - Operation Viper

    Thanks for that,ive removed SP from main post until i can find a fix for it. *Updated Coop to version 1.02* (not tested with patch 1.03) Cheers
  8. B-oodThorn

    SP/COOP Mission - Operation Viper

    Thanks for your input TCP....the mine field is passable but you do need to pick the correct route,the mines are set to kill humans but not humans in or on vehicles which i think is reasonable,the bikes should assist you through the minefield. The intro ive not tested on a smaller screen,i will adjust the parameters and hopefully it will work on a smaller screen resolution in the next update v1.02 I will look into your idea of " 5 minutes after you kill the officer, a ton of troops spawn, and artillery randomly hit the water, but stops when you call in the artillery strike" Many thanks BT
  9. B-oodThorn

    SP/COOP Mission - Operation Viper

    Thanks Gear-Za for your kind words,let me know of any bugs that need fixing or improvements youd like to see ;).
  10. "a soft press can be different from a hard on" I need to grow up...but that line was funny :D
  11. B-oodThorn

    SP/COOP Mission - Operation Viper

    There was a file missing,redownload from 1st post
  12. B-oodThorn

    SP/COOP Mission - Operation Viper

    Updated the Coop mission to v1.01 Changelog - Added Weather Module Added Weapon Respawn Added NV googles for medic Added more patrols in city areas Expanded mine field Added vehicle location map markers Fixed some script errors Updatd SP mission to v1.01
  13. B-oodThorn

    SP/COOP Mission - Operation Viper

    Thanks Mandrake5 for the feed back....ive finally got around to testing map and im currently working on alot of fixes.
  14. Yes they are welcome as are any other missions .....variation keeps the game alive!
  15. Operation Viper v1.03 Mission Team Viper consists of Russias top four OPFOR spetsnaz operatives who must penetrate CDF Forces lines,complete set tasks to prevent CDF Forces from building there rogue army. Features 1-4 Players UPS Patrols Vehicle Patrols Usable Vehicles Include - Boats,Bikes and Cars MineField Artillery Strikes Ammo Resupply (all weapons available) Respawn Weapon Respawn Day to Night Cycle 9 tasks Download v1.03 - Armaholic Megaupload FileFront RapidShare 1.03 Changelog Removed First Aid Module (bugged) Removed Clear Corpse Script (caused floating bodys) Added Snipers and Marksman Increased Soldier Patrols Added BRDM Patrols Adjusted AI Positioning (increased mission difficulty) Increased AI Skill Level Adjusted Minefield (too easy to pass) Added Civilian Boats