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Everything posted by pogoman979

  1. pogoman979

    CO16 Insurgency

    Swedge asked me to have a look at ACE spawning problem so heres the solution: also posted in ACE insurgency thread
  2. Swedge asked me to have a look at ACE spawning problem so heres the solution:
  3. using the contruction module i have gotten to the stage where i can place buildings like you would in warfare, however placing a building doesnt deduct from your funds, even though i set its cost in the BIS_COIN_items variable. none of the other commands listed here help: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Construction_Interface anyone know of anyother commands or what i'm doing wrong. i have set my construction vars like so: _coin = _this select 0; (BIS_coin_0) _coin setvariable ["BIS_COIN_categories",["Base", "Defence"]]; _coin setvariable ["BIS_COIN_items", [ //--- Class, Category, Cost or [fundsID,Cost], (display name) ["USMC_WarfareBBarracks","Base",200], ["BTR90_HQ_unfolded","Base",100], ["USMC_WarfareBLightFactory","Base",200] ] ]; _coin setvariable ["BIS_COIN_areasize",[50,20]]; _coin setvariable ["BIS_COIN_funds",["200"]]; _coin setvariable ["BIS_COIN_fundsDescription",["S"]];
  4. pogoman979

    CO16 Insurgency

    the mission is for arma, its based on a half life 2 mod called empires
  5. pogoman979

    CO16 Insurgency

    for anyone who wants to help beta test my latest mission (note strictly a beta): http://www.ausarma.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=721
  6. Adding a fired eventhandler to another player's unit works until they respawn, after which you can add all the fired eventhandlers you want but none of them will work. For clarification, i wish to add a fired eventhandler to another players avatar, i.e. player1 and player2 are in game, player1 would like to know whenever player2 fires their weapon. Adding a fired eventhandler to player2 from player1's game works until player2 respawns, in which case adding fired eventhandlers to player2 from player1's game does nothing. The reason i am trying to do the above is to change the effects that come out of a gun when it is fired (for a mission i'm working on), for example making your gun shoot lightning and lasers beams etc. I have already successfully implemented these effects locally for the player, and have them appear for other players when that player triggers a fired eventhandler, but i can't get them to show up for other players when that player respawns, for the aforementioned reason. i hope i've made myself clear, its a bit of a tricky issue to explain, was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this issue or knows a workaround. i assume BIS implemented muzzle flashes via fired eventhandlers for each player? or is that handled internally? Basically all i am trying to achieve here is to add particle effects to the weapon muzzle everytime it is fired, on each machine (as particle effects are always local). perhaps a MPFired eventhandler is needed? oh and btw, i am aware that i could broadcast to other clients whenever the player unit fires, but i think broadcasting a fired event over the network everytime the player fires a shot would create some bandwidth issues :p
  7. amazing work mate. The ai scripting is fantastic and i can see this being the next big thing.
  8. pogoman979

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    insurgency: http://www.file-upload.net/download-2985476/Insurgency0_72.lingor.pbo.html
  9. pogoman979

    Mana Island Fiji

    insurgency for mana island: http://www.file-upload.net/download-2977486/Insurgency0_72.plr_mana.pbo.html
  10. pogoman979

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    they do, otherwise insurgency wouldn't work
  11. pogoman979

    Fallujah City

    not sure mate, never heard of that error. works fine for me :/
  12. pogoman979


    search before you post: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=88422&highlight=cryengine
  13. pogoman979

    Fallujah City

    fallujah insurgency: http://www.file-upload.net/download-2953153/Insurgency0_72.fallujah.pbo.html
  14. damnit, i can't get it to work. Just tried on a dedi too :/. Maybe trying it with two instances of arma on the one machine is the problem. Cheers for going out of your way to help shk, it is greatly appreciated. I will have to test this at some stage with an actual other player. btw sorry about the late reply i went out.
  15. Just tested and that does not work either. I assume you tried it with a playable ai unit? it works fine with ai but not with actual human players. In case you're wondering i run two instances of arma on the same machine and have them both join a local game (one of the copies needs to have an invalid cdkey to avoid "cd key in use" error), in order to test with "multiple" players.
  16. adding it via: onKeyPress = { _key = _this select 1; _handled = false; switch _key do { //T case 20: { if (!alive cursorTarget) exitWith { deleteVehicle cursorTarget }; player groupchat str cursorTarget; cursorTarget addEventHandler ["fired", { _unit = _this select 0; player groupchat format["%1 fired", _unit]; }]; }; }; _handled; }; waitUntil { !(isNull (findDisplay 46)) }; (findDisplay 46) displaySetEventHandler ["KeyDown", "_this call onKeyPress"]; So basically i can add it to any unit i want, whenever, as long as that unit is revealed and in my crosshairs. i also tried adding it to the units via triggers and via respawn eventhandlers for the unit that then broadcast the code to all other players etc, theres a million ways to do it and none of them have worked.
  17. pogoman979

    CO16 Insurgency

    hey guys sorry i'm still super busy with uni so probably wont be working on this for awhile. due to a large amount of requests here's a little mission that contains the injured system, respawn system and nametags separate from insurgency. http://www.file-upload.net/download-2904262/pogoFunctions.Desert_E.pbo.html note its not documented at all but after a bit of reading it should hopefully make sense. also note that the injured system does not work with ai.
  18. If your mission is generating enough errors that it becomes annoying for the player then i think you need to worry about fixing the mission not blocking the error messages :p
  19. pogoman979

    CO16 Insurgency

    yeah cheers mate the feedback is very useful. I am completely swamped with uni assignments however until next monday so am unable to make any changes until then. If you guys have any scripters among you feel free to have them edit the mission with any of the desired changes as insurgency probably won't be in my priorities for the next couple of weeks until exams are over. I'll try to get out a quickfix out though next week for all the easy changes hehe.
  20. pogoman979

    CO16 Insurgency

    i still dont have permission to view the page linked in your post. warnings are definately in the code although i admit i dont play opfor much so i dont know for sure but they should be there. to change the parameters you need to be logged in as admin.
  21. pogoman979

    CO16 Insurgency

    players only get kicked off if they stack opfor. And even then there are tonnes of warning messages that say they have 30 seconds to join blufor before they will be kicked. As far as i'm concerned thats plenty of warning however it seems most players think they wont be kicked and stay on opfor anyway == their fault. Trust me, even with so few opfor slots one opfor player can make life hell for the blufor, and from beta testing having too many opfor makes things pretty much impossible for blufor and causes most people to rage quit so the autokicking is there for a reason (since theres no teamswap command).
  22. pogoman979

    CO16 Insurgency

    enemies have a 10% chance off dropping intel, so it happens fairly regularly. i havent actually tested the zargabad versions at all but they use identical scripts to the takistan version which works fine so im not sure whats going on. perhaps you guys were really unlucky :P
  23. pogoman979

    CO16 Insurgency

    0.72 official release: http://www.file-upload.net/download-2874396/Insurgency0.72.rar.html main changelog: added takistan versions. added controllable helicopter added random start location added deployable/mobile HQ moved almost all serverside functions to clientside changed: intel is now dropped by enemies in a briefcase (ie no more surrendering insurgents). changed: opfor now choose ai to control and can switch between any opfor ai on the map that isnt within 100m of blufor. added new parameters: number of ammo caches number of blufor respawns enable/disable insurgency map markers change ai intensity (number of ai that spawn per player) and a tonne of other minor tweaks and additions.
  24. pogoman979

    CO16 Insurgency

    0.72b1 was a botched release. 0.72b2 is out now. Insurgents dont surrender anymore some of them drop intel when you kill them. Also the helicopter can be controlled by going to the communications menu (press 0->8). i'll add in mk17's. Official release will be out today as 0.72b2 is working well :).