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About drm03482

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  1. drm03482

    Need Help!!!!!!

    yea doing full acceleration on sound card and eax on in game
  2. drm03482

    Need Help!!!!!!

    ok great news updated sound card driver and game works...now only problem is i have no voices or gunshot noises...... is it cause of 1.16b that i have or what...i just tried campaign but only have music no other sounds.
  3. drm03482

    Need Help!!!!!!

    yes i updated all the way to 1.16b to see if it helped. and my sound card is a SB Audigy Audio C8C0 card and no never tried other cards cause this is my higher graphics card and only one lol.
  4. drm03482

    Need Help!!!!!!

    Get blue screen just as it is about to launch the game from windows....no probs with any other games and no overclocking
  5. drm03482

    Need Help!!!!!!

    Windows XP 4 gig ram nvidia geforce 8400 with 512 ram
  6. drm03482

    Need Help!!!!!!

    I would really love to play this game but I cant. I bought the box version installed it and updated and everything. When I go to launch it it starts doing the little boxes with check marks and right before it loads I get blue screen error every time. Even does this for the digital version. I updated my direct x and graphics driver and do not know what to do. I have looked for anyone with this same problem on here with no luck. The closest I have found was someone who got blue screen while playing.... I dont even get that far. Like I said I have done all patches even up to beta ones with no luck. Any suggestions will be nice since i spent the money to buy this game and cant play it. Thank you in advance for any suggestions or comments.