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Everything posted by robmuzz

  1. robmuzz

    AN/PVS-21 WIP

    I used to do tech on the PVS21. Great bit of kit. Good model. I made the original model in Lightwave. Sadly I don't have it anymore, but I know it like the back of my hand if you need tips.
  2. If it's a desert mission, what map does it use? There's no map listed in the needed addons.
  3. robmuzz

    DLC for ArmA2?

    I think DLC would be a great idea! To be honest, I'm tempted to get VBS2, but it's a lot of money for what is essentially a shed-load of addons! I'd pay for a whole load of new vehicles, units or a map here and there, as DLC for ArmaII. Would you? (As long as they were high quality and not overpriced)
  4. Thanks for taking over Prototype001, I really didn't have time to do this list at the moment.
  5. I started one at Armaholic... Please feel free to help it grow! http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=6931
  6. robmuzz

    Petition for mouse fix ~!

    ...Just my 2pennyth, ArmA and ArmA2 do a pretty good job of simulating firing a weapon im opinion, when you keep in mind that, it is simulating a gun, that has weight - a lot of weight! FPS games, seem to me, to do a better job of simulating the ability to "look" at an enemy and kill it, rather than the physical process of Brain -> finger -> trigger -> fire -> flight -> impact! Simply, I don't think ArmA2 is, or was never intended to be a tourniment style FPS in the same sense as CS,Quake,UT and all that.
  7. I've done some testing and if you call helo transport, they try to land on all the invisible H's ... So, use a Game-Logic / Location / Location instead!
  8. I think you hit the nail on the head with what you asked in the OP... There's no cover-up, it's simply that there is little interest! This is a community who enjoys realistic/semi-realistic military simulation.
  9. If you own an XBOX360, plug the controller into your PC, and bind to that. It's very smooth. I use it all the time for vehicles. you can use the sticks for look up/down/strafe/height and the triggers for zoom !!! Makes for very VERY smooth and accurant movies. Also, the bulldozer controls can be mapped to it totally indipendant to infantry and vehicle controls.
  10. If you're using the Civ people module, yes, they stand around, talk to eachother, you can talk to them (sometimes,) and they get in vehicles and drive places. Rather cool I think! For dropping a single module into your mission!
  11. The reason I asked was, I put the line: _newObjs = [getPos this, random 360, "FuelDump1_US"] call (compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "ca\modules\dyno\data\scripts\objectMapper.sqf")); in and it said no such script or something !?
  12. ... Thanks, but you are talking about ArmA2 here?
  13. ...I love threads like this, makes me proud to be a fanboy! :-)))
  14. robmuzz

    Gecko ATV (Alpha vers.)

    I unstalled the ACE mod, and run the base game, and I still can't see the Geko! I already had all the units that ACE hides made visable. I can only assume that there's something else hiding it. My blufor and empty - armoured starts with M113s no sign of it. Has anyone got this problem? If you HAD and have solved it, please let me know! Thank you.
  15. robmuzz

    Gecko ATV (Alpha vers.)

    It's not under (West) Blufor for me anywhere... Please help! (I've already made all unit visible in ACE.)
  16. What is the Geko ATV called in the editor please?
  17. robmuzz

    Gecko ATV (Alpha vers.)

    It looks great! Thank you! However, I've downloaded it, and can't see it anywhere in the editor... It doesn't seem to be under EMPTY at all ?!?
  18. Very impressive explosion! Well done! What is the Gecko ATV under?