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sniper dude

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About sniper dude

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  1. sniper dude

    Am i the only one sick of the royal wedding?

    proud to be british
  2. sniper dude

    Server list doesn't populate

    thorn they messed up last patch. i think ... noone is on these dayz cause servers crash to many times:mad: ps. wait till the 30th of this month :P
  3. Go here and sign up to make yer own xml. (http://www.armedassault.eu/) afterwards click top squadxml its pretty easy.
  4. sniper dude

    British Troops DLC released & Official 1.01 Update

    Great news BIS. Really looking forward to this pack and for you anti British spams. stfu and go play pacman ps, theres no brits complaining so tell me im wrong
  5. Fae a fellow scotsman 'tae the big yin' tae yer wee yins 'n' family godbless Aonaibh ri chéile
  6. well said took the words out my mouth
  7. yeh iv got the same problem so i killed the pilot n flew the chopper mself but when i come back to base to give the comm my intell i found he has his back turnd and wont talk lol so what ever ya do dont kill the pilot haaaaaa
  8. Could someone tell me a good control config for (Extremeâ„¢ 3D Pro) in arma iv tried mapping myself but keep messing it up . tyvm
  9. sniper dude

    Hardware and settings for ArmA

    Could someone tell me a good control config for (Extremeâ„¢ 3D Pro) in arma iv tried mapping myself but keep messing it up . tyvm