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About PataPalo

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. I can help with the spanish too :pet6:
  2. PataPalo

    Revive Script

    Have you name your playable units to s1,s2,s3....?
  3. PataPalo

    Revive Script

    It seems there´s a problem with Recognize System here http://dev-heaven.net/issues/7476, I got that issue at arma.rpt when player dies 1st time Error in expression <g_marker", _marker]; ; } else { _marker setMarkerPosLocal (getPosASL _leader); i> Error position: <setMarkerPosLocal (getPosASL _leader); i> Error setmarkerposlocal: Tipo Script, esperado Cadena File x\ace\addons\sys_tracking\loop_markers.sqf, line 76 may be serialization... thank u very much for that great work
  4. Well guys, let´s speak seriously. How much money we can donate Silola for a release at monday?...may be Bohemia don´t want to pay anything but we can help for that great work....jajaja. I can pay 10 €. :D Of course Silola don´t know nothing about that ;) (only for Silola) Silola 50 50 :eek:
  5. We sometimes forget we´re speaking with an human, sorry someone think that u´re a machine:greetings:....me too...XD Happy Christmas :party::803::cheers:
  6. PataPalo

    Revive Script

    Hi Norrin, with revive 0.3c it seems when unit is unconscious enemy still fire him. Another issue is when IA enable and into your group, they loose group after they go inside a vehicle...not sure when. For all other it goes nice, good work.:803:
  7. PataPalo

    El día de la Marmota

    Debes rescatar al cura, destruir las pruebas y llevarlo junto a nuestro equipo de cientificos. Una vez conseguido el objetivo debes dirigirte al norte para recuperar los vehículos, entre ellos el respawn movil y aniquilar la base enemiga...mas info en briefing.
  8. Arma2 mission with revive script and nice performance for 6 players COOP. Dedicated server mission Hope you got lot of fun. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=7032
  9. PataPalo

    Revive Script

    Thank you very much Norrin. :bounce3:
  10. //Skiptime from current time [15.5] call gotoTime ; //skip the current time 15 hours and 30 min when is called //Put this: call compile preprocessfile "scripts\skiptime.sqf"; at init.sqf increm = -1000; gotoTime ={ increm = _this select 0; publicVariable "increm"; targettime=daytime+increm; while {targettime>=24} do {targettime =daytime+increm-24}; publicVariable "targettime"; }; monitorTime ={ waitUntil {increm != -1000}; while {abs(targettime-daytime)>0.01} do {skipTime 0.00933;sleep 0.00002}; increm = -1000; }; [] spawn { [] call monitorTime;}; Another kind: skiptime.sqf //Pasa el tiempo la cantidad marcada en [18.5] execvm "scripts\skiptime.sqf"; //skip to the time 18 hours and 30 min from current time when is called // stimeinc = [4] execvm "scripts\skiptime.sqf"; increm = _this select 0; targettime=daytime+increm; while {targettime>=24} do {targettime =daytime+increm-24}; while {abs(targettime-daytime)>0.01} do {skipTime 0.00933;sleep 0.00002}; if (true) exitwith {}; To call this stimeinc = [15.4] execVM "skiptime.sqf";
  11. PataPalo

    Revive Script

    At dedicated server and revive test mission 0.2m I got that: arma2.rpt Remote entity want to supply: B 1-1-E:13 REMOTE Remote entity want to supply: B 1-1-E:11 REMOTE Remote entity want to supply: B 1-1-E:11 REMOTE Remote entity want to supply: B 1-1-E:11 REMOTE Creating debriefing Client: Object 2:14 (type Type_96) not found. Client: Object 2:73 (type Type_99) not found. Client: Object 2:188 (type Type_144) not found. Client: Object 3:26 (type Type_121) not found. Cannot create object 2:201 Cannot create object 2:202 Client: Object 2:202 (type Type_82) not found. Client: Object 2:201 (type Type_79) not found. .... Unit not created: Subgroup 2:202 not found Cannot create object 2:204 Client: Object 2:201 (type Type_79) not found. Client: Object 2:176 (type Type_82) not found. Unit not created: Subgroup 2:176 not found Cannot create object 2:206 Unit not created: Subgroup 2:209 not found Cannot create object 2:101 Client: Object 2:101 (type Type_86) not found. ... Error in expression <unc_array') select 0); this setPos [(s1 getVariable 'NORRN_pos_x'), > Error position: <setPos [(s1 getVariable 'NORRN_pos_x'), >... Error Tipo Cualquiera, esperado Número Client: Object 2:101 (type Type_86) not found. error - person has no brain Client: Object (id 2:1, type Type_95) is local - update is ignored. Client: Object (id 2:1, type Type_96) is local - update is ignored. Creating debriefing ... At arma2server.rpt Server: Object 3:54 not found (message 121) Server: Object 3:56 not found (message 121) Server: Object 3:58 not found (message 121) Server: Object 3:62 not found (message 121) Server: Object 3:60 not found (message 121) Server: Update of object 2:99 arrived from nonowner Server: Object 3:65 not found (message 121) Server: Object 3:64 not found (message 121) ... I got no custom addons. Thanks all for fast reply. :bounce3:
  12. PataPalo

    Revive Script

    My arma2.rpt show that Unit not created: Subgroup 2:456 not found Cannot create object 2:249 Client: Remote object 2:249 not found Creating debriefing Client: Object 2:55 (type Type_96) not found. Client: Object 2:55 (type Type_96) not found. Client: Object 2:295 (type Type_144) not found. Client: Object 2:423 (type Type_121) not found. WARNING: Function 'name' - PataPalo is dead WARNING: Function 'name' - Simon Lopez is dead WARNING: Function 'name' - PataPalo is dead Creating debriefing Client: Object 2:295 (type Type_144) not found. Client: Object 4:98 (type Type_121) not found. Client: Object 4:89 (type Type_213) not found. Client: Object 4:90 (type Type_213) not found. Client: Object 4:91 (type Type_213) not found. Client: Object 4:92 (type Type_213) not found. Client: Object 4:93 (type Type_213) not found. Client: Object 4:94 (type Type_213) not found. Client: Object 4:95 (type Type_213) not found. Client: Object 4:125 (type Type_121) not found. Client: Object 4:100 (type Type_213) not found. Client: Object 4:104 (type Type_121) not found. Client: Object 4:112 (type Type_121) not found. Client: Object 4:114 (type Type_121) not found. Client: Object 4:122 (type Type_121) not found. Error in expression <) select 0); this setPos [(alpha_2 getVariable 'NORRN_pos_> Error position: <setPos [(alpha_2 getVariable 'NORRN_pos_> Error Tipo Cualquiera, esperado Número Error in expression <) select 0); this setPos [(alpha_3 getVariable 'NORRN_pos_> Error position: <setPos [(alpha_3 getVariable 'NORRN_pos_> Error Tipo Cualquiera, esperado Número Error in expression <) select 0); this setPos [(alpha_1 getVariable 'NORRN_pos_> Error position: <setPos [(alpha_1 getVariable 'NORRN_pos_> Error Tipo Cualquiera, esperado Número It seems a revive issue, I only got DAC and revive for that mission and test it without DAC and same issue at arma2.rpt. When IA dies sometimes respawn at respawn_west. I´m one of your revive script fans...good work. :292:
  13. Server: Object 3:10 not found (message 121) Server: Update of object 2:245 arrived from nonowner Server: Object 3:13 not found (message 213)
  14. Tell us your PSU specifications, Amp at 12v, Model, Power Max.. Temp Graphic card and CPU.