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Everything posted by BEEJ24

  1. BEEJ24

    Which vehicle do you like most?

    love the Hind (Mi-24) and the huey, but must admit the MLRS looks nice as well...
  2. BEEJ24

    Arma Joystick.

    for flying i use a speedlink black widow joystick, its only £20 GBP and works a treat.. also if you head over to our community site http://nextgensoldiers.co.uk we have members including myself who are heavy into building our own pc's... ive built my own for about 10 years now or just add me on ngsbeej@hotmail.co.uk
  3. will you be doing HK's as well, and the transport ships?
  4. BEEJ24


    all i can say is.. stop moaning, if you want to moan, do it at a wall... and just wait until placebo see's this, he's guna ban your ass to the moon!!! the MOON!!!!! theres no ruskies up there ;) XD
  5. BEEJ24

    Arma 2 Has Stopped Working

    ive started to get that "Arma2 has stopped working" crap, most of the time its when im previewing a mission in the editor... or actaully in the editor, although it only did it once. im on amd 9600 phenom, 8Gb ram, bfg 880gtx oc, vista home premium 64x
  6. BEEJ24

    RAF Chinook

    OH MY GOD! thats all i can say. and wyn you git finding it first and not posting on the [NGS] forum about it... now gotta wait for the british 4 rifle soldiers addon and i will be a little kid in a sweet shop again :D
  7. BEEJ24

    motorcycle suspension

    and once the bike is down, there aint no getting that sucker back up.. its a long walk from there ;)
  8. you could always have it when OPfor not present...
  9. BEEJ24

    SP Missions by SaOk

    7z is freeware as well, thats why a lot of people are starting to use it... havent got around to playing this yet but hopefully will later :D
  10. Chernarus.... 4 objectives ive placed triggers... OPfor not present, obj_1=true; and have placed a russian flag marker next to trigger, now how do i change the flag to USA flag once trigger has been activated? have tried many a script which i thought would work, like setflagside west.. and its just becoming very annoying..
  11. i have some objectives, all obj_1 -> obj_4 all as trigger, now when i want them to be completed i can get text to say objective 1 has been captured, but i would like a new marker on the map to change from the objective marker i have placed to see change it from red to green or to a different marker symbol. can this actually be done, or is it guna take a hell load of scripting which im useless at.
  12. super, cheers :D another bit of helpful info on another day of begging for help ;)
  13. super, i suppose it will have to do... thanks, will get that crate filler now :D
  14. is there a simple way to refill an ammobox with all ammo and weapons after people have ransacked the things... as i dont want to place loads of ammoboxes adn crates all over the place just to get a missions worth out of them... please help, its the only thing ive left to do to complete my clan/communities mission... **Begs placebo for forgiveness for using the C word**
  15. you should of put that title as: US Domination Server... then your fellow americans would jump at it... as im sure most of you are a tad peeved that us european lot got the game first :P
  16. on our server if im on, i will usually kick people that dont say sorry, and yes i give them ample time to reply. I will also co-ordinate with other members on our Ventrilo.. As i had to kick someone called Rasputin the other day for TK'ing people
  17. BEEJ24

    changing mission in game

    super, cheers, i knew the password and kick one, but the rest are all useful.. :)
  18. BEEJ24

    Arma II Server for Serious Gamers

    Have played on Tushino server CTI... bloody good games as well... my/our community have a server running xeno's domination map pack 1.. 10 slots at the mo but a new server is coming soon with more slots
  19. played a server with this on yesterday, must admit its a nice change from CTI :D nice one.. hopefully should be hosting on our [NGS] server soon but its for members only :P side mission 1#: Find bigfoot
  20. is there any way to have a constant taxi speed on runway like in project reality which used the arrow keys for taxi'ing in aircraft, its just im using a joystick and its a bitch controlling the speed... i use a speedlink black widow... so are/is there any way to have a constant taxi speed with different keymapping than my joysticks throttle
  21. comments: oh my god... awesome, cant wait until its released suggestions: keep up the excellent work
  22. ok cheers, didnt put the _ in... doh!
  23. right, so ive made 2 markers, respawn_west and respawn_west1 and when i get it on multiplayer after i die i respawn at west1.. good so far im thinking, so then i die a few more times and i keep on spawning at west1.... is there anything im missing out here... respawns work fine, but keeps on respawning at west 1, and not randomly
  24. BEEJ24

    Bigfoot...has anyone found him?

    bigfoot lives in the infinite land.. not many people go there... and he stalks the land for people that do, thats why no-one has ever seen him, as they never get back to tell the tale