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  1. This is a release thread of Project 85 MOD. Starting from now, every update and fixes info will be added here. Project'85 is a mod, which developement begun in second half of 2007, and after many internal changes took it's current form. It concetrates on a fictional conflict, which could occur in the 80s in Central Europe. The mod puts heavy emphasis on realism. The mod features following sides: - Poland (soldiers loyal to the Warsaw Pact, and fighting independently), - USSR: Many units from the 80s, - Germany both DDR (GDR) and BRD (FRD), - Americans main NATO force, expeditional Marine units are also included, - British paratroopers deployed in Central Europe in case of a military conflict, - Guerillas armed with wide range of weaponry, from those captured from military warehouses, to weapons aquired from western supply drops - Civilians - Bonus units, which are exceeding the mods theme, and presenting guns from weapon addon ie Russian army from year 2000. Most sides have their own vehicles, characteristic to each army. Mod offers huge ammount of weapons, not only from the 80s, but also modern ones, which allows many addons to work with the mod. DOWNLOAD LINKS: - CONFIG (small file, to be patching often): http://www.armaholic.eu/vilas/85temp/p85config.7z (last update 30.05.2009) - VEHICLES [195 MB]: http://www.armaholic.eu/vilas/85temp/p85_veh.7z (last update 25.05.2009) - TROOPS: [160 MB] http://www.armaholic.eu/vilas/85temp/p85_units.7z (last update 30.05.2009) - WEAPONS [145 MB] http://www.armaholic.eu/vilas/85temp/p85_weap.7z (last update 18.04.2009) - UI, BOATS, AIRSHIPS, USER INTERFACE [70 MB] http://www.armaholic.eu/vilas/85temp/p85_oth.7z (last updated 15.05.2009) Addons are signed with Vilas BISign (in order to allow proper multiplayer usage) for multiplayer servers hosts. This BISign is here: http://www.armaholic.eu/vilas/Vilas.bikey http://ofp.gamepark.cz/_hosted/vilas/ftp/Vilas.bikey README: http://www.armaholic.eu/v.../readme_pol.txt - Polish http://www.armaholic.eu/v.../readme_eng.txt - English http://www.armaholic.eu/v.../readme_rus.txt - Russian CLASSNAMES (for missionmakers): http://www.armaholic.eu/vilas/85temp/klasy_w.txt - WEAPONS http://www.armaholic.eu/vilas/85temp/klasy_v.txt - VEHICLES http://www.armaholic.eu/vilas/85temp/klasy_u.txt - UNITS Enjoy!