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Everything posted by thomas82

  1. thomas82

    performance aiming/moving

    v-sync on in the nvidia-options doesnt help.. the movement is way too complex.. it should be more ctf/dm friendly. When u stop moving after sprinting sometimes your gun is back in position sometimes u have to press left-mousebutton to get the gun right.. and that takes too much time and makes ctf or dm not fun at all.. a better, more easy, faster control of arma2 would not effect the coop or c&h people.. it would just get the CTF-community back..
  2. locating of sounds needs to be fixed.. bis knows that
  3. They lost many sales coz of bad reviews... but anyway.. thats life.. Some of the german reviewers (all except gamestars) have made very unmature, even more stupid comments then any KI on this world is.. everybody knows how complex ofp/arma is.. and those little bugs aint comparabel to what is working now.. the only thing that gives those ppl the motivation to write such unqualifed *closed eyed* reviews is.... ARMA AINT MAINSTREAM.. and the ppl who buy their magazines ARE mainstream.. => fuckin BUSINESS .. i hate it! the pc games movie about arma really took me to laugh.. the guy just sounded like as if somebody has stolen his toy... and the same guy is praising ofp... with all its bugs which aint fixed today! pc action ........ i'm older then 12! who are u talkin to? gamestars..... the guy was somehow disappointed.. i had the feeling he really likes the ofp series... but his arguments were also kind of addicted to his job/business... the hole "interview" was like bad amateur movie... no spontanic answers out of his "gamer-heart".. now u have the 3 following possibilites to decide whats true: we are in middle of business crysis.. such a branch like games industry is feeling that for sure... developers / publishers / game magazines ... everybody is involved... or.. the bugs are really so bad and make the game unplayable.. well.. i have the german version.. and its fun to play it.. the atmo / graphics are really nice.. the sounds are also fantastic.. and the editor with all its possiblities .... superb! ...but noone has lost a word about that.. when u read all those reviews the only message wich is staying in your brain is.... BUGFEST! ... and thats not fair... In my "mind trip" i come now to the creators and investors (publisher) .. ...next time finish the game and polish it until its perfect... the year more u need for it will be more then payed back coz of mainstream "to magazines listening" ppl ... may be i'm just an idiot :-D but my mind is clearer then the nicest weather setting in arma with 100km viewdistance.... :-D cheers guggs
  4. thomas82

    Dual/Quad CPU Support - How effective?

    q6600 (oc 4x 3.2ghz) gigabyte p35-ds3p 8800GT (1024mb) 4 GB ram (3.7) win xp32 ..it runs smooth as long as i stay under 100% (fillrate thing) would look better with AA
  5. i remember in ofp in most leagues ppl played with G36.. (pvp) when u switched to ironsight mode u had a zoom like 1.5x or 2x .. that was just perfect for nice and fast pvp games.. (cqb and middle distances) i understand the complains about zooming, coz it makes the pvp-game just slower..
  6. i played ofp 3-4 years very active in a clan.. loved the campaign and multiplayer (pvp).. then i bought armed-assault and was very disappointed.. i didnt like the movement, aiming, etc.. and now it looks like ARMA2 has nice animations what makes the pvp-part interessting again..
  7. thomas82

    GAME Development (Texturing)

    Hello I'm also developing a game. Its a 3d-learning game, not a FPS-Shooter :-D My question is how do u texture the roads, areas.. Do u have your own texture-application or do u use any plugin for 3dsmax or from a different company? I'm also going to buy Arma2 (with 350km roads) coz i'm a ofp-veteran :-D loved your game! I made once the island lipovac and guess how i textured the road.. lol from quad to quad.. :bounce3: but there must be a way to automatize the texturing.. I would be very glad to get a short answer from you. greetings thomas aka GGX|John Lennon :) PS: I'm working (modelling landscape) with 3dsMax2009
  8. yes sure.. it was possible in ofp aswell.. (played ofp for 3-4 years, made an own island..) but in Armed Assault / ARMA2 it seems like u allways "have to" zoom when u target/shoot an enemy.. thats what i dont like.. but the rest looks great to me! :bounce3:
  9. I like the agile movement!!! It looks like pvp is going to be fun.. the only thing i dont like is that u have to zoom.. thats new to me, but i will be able to handle with it..