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About MadJackChurchill

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. MadJackChurchill


    Is there by any chance a Chernarusian version somewhere? The new ACR Bystrica looks like a decent candidate for insurgency. I'm mainly trying to convert it to see if it's possible, only getting stuck at the CACHEHOUSEPOSITIONS, GUNROOFPOSITIONS and ILLEGALHOUSES.
  2. I'm having some issues with this script in a training mission. It works perfectly until you try to clear a target after shooting at it a couple of times. As soon as you hit that it throws an error Error in expression <scoretable; }; if (WALK_TARGET_PUBVAR == _target) then { _scoretable = null; > Error position: <== _target) then { _scoretable = null; > Error ==: Type Script, expected Number,String,Object,Side,Group,Text,Config entry,Display (dialog),Control,Team member,Task,Location it is version 0.9v
  3. AAAH! this is so awesome. Can't seem to find it in the units list... been spawning it in with triggers and can't seem to get it playable or in my group. Am I doing it wrong? :confused:
  4. MadJackChurchill

    Dedicated Custom Map

    You can put the map in the command line like any other addon. A proper search would have provided most of your answers, but I'd suggest having a look at the Biki http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/server.cfg
  5. MadJackChurchill

    Mando Missile ArmA for ArmA 2

    Ah roger thanks Mandoble.
  6. To the video director :icon_eek: . Damn fine job sir. Pretty much sold me on downloading.
  7. MadJackChurchill

    Mando Missile ArmA for ArmA 2

    After a number of search variations and reading through a couple of pages on this thread, I finally resorted to asking. Is there a simple way to reduce the file-size of the script_suite? For example, I only want to use the launcher, console and scud systems. But I want to remove the scripts and resources that I am not going to use. ps. if it's not as simple as it sounds, I can live with that :D Played around with the Scuds in Zagrabad a bit, quite a sight to see 10 scuds firing (conventional warheads) at separate targets simultaneously. Cheers MJ.
  8. MadJackChurchill

    Deadfast's Chroma Key Wall [A2+OA+CO]

    Dramatic poses await!! Some nice Machinima will surely come from this. Nice one Deadfast.
  9. MadJackChurchill

    Arma 2 Addon request thread

    We finally have backpacks and there are already dogs... So could someone please give us Big Dog ( aka LS3 ). http://www.bostondynamics.com/robot_bigdog.html http://www.popsci.com/technology/article/2010-02/darpa-throws-32-million-bigger-dog-boston-dynamics
  10. MadJackChurchill

    Using backpacks/rucksacks

    It would be great to be able to strap a single shot AT ( M136 AT4 / RPG18 ) to the larger backpacks ( ALICE / CZ / Coyote. Maybe even the Khaki assault ). Not as inventory items but the launcher object attached to the backpack, with actions on the backpacks themselves to attach or remove the launcher. I'm trying to do this myself ( still trying to figure out how to add the options to the backpacks ), obviously this would work parallel with the single shot AT addons. As an afterthought the whole singleshot AT launcher would be great without an addon.
  11. MadJackChurchill

    Mando Missile ArmA for ArmA 2

    Just out of curiosity, will there ever be SA-2 Guideline static objects for the available system in Mando Missile ? It would be pretty cool if that infamous star was looming near a target. Would also make a pretty nice set-piece for missions and make the fly-boys a bit nervous :)
  12. To add this... Just think about it, in the summertime the ground is heated by the sun and the heat persists till late in the evening or throughout the night. In the winter the sun is weaker so at night the ground heat dissipates quickly. Pretty cool that BIS took that into account.
  13. MadJackChurchill

    KH MXR Mission Pack v1.0.100

    Have to say that Convoy mission is really fun. Had a couple of occasions where the scouts reported all clear, and just as we started to move the Terminal and mobile up, 20 more enemy infantry would pop up from behind a ridge. Only issue is the respawn equipment (feature?).
  14. MadJackChurchill

    GMJ Sight Adjustment for ArmA2

    Anybody willing to share their compiled rangecards? (Mil-dot) ( Vanilla weapons Opfor and Blufor ) I want to compile a spreadsheet ( if it's not available ) and print out small cards to keep handy without having to pop into the map all the time. And share it when done. cheers Mad Jack
  15. MadJackChurchill

    RH MGS wpn pack 1.1

    Nice, I really like the m14's. Did notice that the following popped up in the .rpt when loaded in the editor. The first one came up when the ammo box was previewed in the editor. Can't say where the rest are from went through the whole crate and then checked the .rpt :D