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Everything posted by franticdaz

  1. On the badlands mission, the team won't move. I tried patch 1.01 and 1.02. This happens at the start of the mission, when i get control of my unit they wont do anything but they confirm orders.
  2. franticdaz

    graphic problem

    spec q6600@ 3.00 ghz 4gb ddr2 dominator ram gtx 295 http://img31.imageshack.us/i/ffs2r.jpg/ i need some advice, in the picture is ram/vram problem. could this be arma's bad handling of my hardware, or is it my hardware? this only happens on arma, will test with future mark later. this is the error code i got "createindexbuffer failed (8876017c)".
  3. franticdaz

    Change the Language in Arma 2?

    have a look if u need it to be english *Link removed*
  4. franticdaz

    Change the Language in Arma 2?

    if anyone still has the English patch upload it and pm it me please
  5. i payed £40.18 from http://www.petergamesde.nexway.com/K...II-671810.html how long does it take to get the email?
  6. franticdaz

    quick question

    im sorry this must be asked a lot but when is the release date for uk. also when are the other release dates so i can get it the earliest possible.
  7. franticdaz

    quick question

    i looked but didnt find