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Everything posted by deralky

  1. I have a simple question. How can i access the Virtual Ammobox? Also any update on coop Version?
  2. Is it poosible to optional add the BWMod? http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?171183-BWMod&p=2593517
  3. Hello, i played the Version 1.56 (was on Armaholic) I orderd 3times an Tank but one time it land on a Building. 2nd time it lay on the side after i pushed it with other car the Tank explode. 3rd time it land on top and no possible to turn it around. Is it possible that it will be checked when dropped that it cant land unnormal or can you ad a function to unflip a vehicle in front of you.
  4. What Squad size will PR have in Arma2? 6 in one Squad like BF2 or more?
  5. deralky

    Operation Arrowhead Dedicated Server

    i have a question what must i start to get the OA Server load the ARMA2 as Mod only the arma2oaserver.exe or should i start it with -mod= command?
  6. http://dev-heaven.net/versions/show/562 its the only info i found
  7. deralky

    Drone Training Broken?

    i had it restart training and then it works
  8. deralky

    Javelin hud

    http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=89912 look there it has more realistic Missles and the Javelin Hud and function you want
  9. wow i play this soundmod in the first release and it was not so good. now i just tested it and its perfect thank you
  10. is it possible that only a gunner in a Heli can access the weapons? so that you must be 2 Persons in a Chopper?
  11. 2. its must look like /userconfig/ace/*hier die .hpp Datein plazieren*
  12. deralky

    Tanks can be destroyed by 25mm HE

    the problem is that in Arma the tanks have a "HP" System so you can destroy a Tank with a MG when shooting long enough
  13. @Tbuck http://www.electracode.com/4/joy2key/JoyToKey%20English%20Version.htm check this tool
  14. Has you installed the game in C:\Programms (X86) installed? so the Standard Folder. if yes then the UAT is the problem that it not work. A friend reinstalled the Game in an another Folder and it works
  15. deralky

    MCTI - Return of CTI

    You say its COOP but when there is no AI who play´s the enemy side?
  16. I play ACE2 and i like it but what i dont like is somebody who thinks only his mind is the mind that everyone should have. And why i want a standalone version? I working on an CTI Mod without ACE. The best thing would be an Content where all Material are in and seperate Configs so you only must load the Content one time and than you can choose which Config you use. for Example Vilas P85 is good in this he made an extra Config .pbo so when its give only an Config update you must not load the big file again
  17. Will you made an new Version with a Config for AH64D?
  18. Ah you think ACE is the best so everyone must be the same opinion. go and play ACE but don´t try to manipulate other peoples mind
  19. deralky

    Patch 1.05 "Announced". Includes AH-64

    i hope that the serverpatch will released to
  20. the Benny Warfare is available for south Saharani but without ACE but he has an ACE Chernarus Version so it will be possible to made an South Saharani Version easily
  21. deralky

    RTS (7vs7vs7) - Kingdoms

    Mhh is this Idea dead?
  22. deralky

    OFPIP preview

    i tested it with viewdistance from 3000 upto 10000 and it disappear at the same distance for every viewdistance.
  23. deralky

    OFPIP preview

    I have tested it yesterday and its a good feeling to fly over Nogova. But i have 2 things. 1. Only Green Ground Ok i read the post over my and know why its not possible. 2. The Streets will show only in an small Range around the player. Is this not possible to show it on higher distance?
  24. OH yeah nice work i know its to early but when can we get an update with those features (MANPADS,METIS, RADAR)?