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About Pvtpile1981

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  1. Thanx guys been a while since ive messed about with ArmA single player mods.
  2. I need some help ive installed using Play WithSix and it starts up fine and I can play multiplayer but there are no single player missions? I mean there ther in the INV44 folder but when I try and play 1 there are none in the list?
  3. What package are you with on Virgin? Im only on the 10mb and it cuts your connection down by 75% if you download more than 2 gig.
  4. Downloading this now but strange thing is I get better speeds from the DK mirror which is weird because im from the UK.
  5. Pvtpile1981

    BI store release time

    Come guys lets keep this on topic gentlemen 8)! Anyone maybe hoping for a GMT mid night release from the BIS store??
  6. Alot of ppl got their hard copy early.
  7. Pvtpile1981

    BI store release time

    I think that's how it works ive never read of a BIS installer before but I could be wrong.
  8. Pvtpile1981

    BI store release time

    No ive not bought it yet I would buy it from BIS if I knew it was coming out sooner than any other site.
  9. Pvtpile1981

    BI store release time

    I agree :), I don't understand why they have that on their website if it isn't out yet.
  10. Pvtpile1981

    BI store release time

    Buggar I thought I might be playing it tonight :P.
  11. Pvtpile1981

    BI store release time

    http://ironfront.deepsilver.com/en/allgemein-en/join-the-battle-for-liberty-%E2%80%93-iron-front-%E2%80%93-liberation-1944-out-now Says its out?? wtf and the store is back up.
  12. Pvtpile1981

    Pre-load anywhere yet?

    I guess I could try PC world lolz, its just everyone I know will have it Friday and I don't wanna be last to d/l as usual.
  13. Pvtpile1981

    Pre-load anywhere yet?

    Really im on a 10mb myself and as far as im aware everyone has limits?