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About adlabs6

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Thanks for the encouragement to keep trying to get it working. And we did today. On suggestion of one of my co-admins to experiment with adding CBA to the server, in addition to the Unsung mod, now Unsung is loading correctly and we appear to be good to go!
  2. My group has been trying to get this working on our Arma3 Dedicated Server Console (tool from Steam) for the past week, but unfortunately we cannot get it working, even with no other addons or mods. We did get some multiplayer in when a player hosted from his own PC, though. Everone really enjoyed it.
  3. Yes they are unmanned, these are the wooden fake tanks for practice ranges. They are from the "Empty" side and "Targets" class menus. But still the AI fire on them. I have tested "this setCaptive true" on the objects, but this doesn't help.
  4. Hello, I'm building a mission which features a few "Armored Target" objects placed statically for visual effect near the objective area. Unfortunately, placing these objects appears to interfere with some enemy AI in the objective area, particularly technicals or armor which will continuously engage the objects. Is there a way I can prevent the AI from firing on the "Armored Target" objects?
  5. adlabs6

    New beta 71900 is up!(OA)

    I notice this too on my local testing. Hope to try this on my main dedicated soon. I am hoping that running the dedicated without -Exthreads=1 will improve it's performance a good deal.
  6. adlabs6

    Operation Arrowhead Dedicated Server

    Mosh... that's looking good here for me. Thank you Sir!
  7. adlabs6

    Should I buy from STEAM or Sprocket??

    Oops- nevermind
  8. adlabs6


    New version looks great. I am seeing some areas of the river though, where the water surface stops, and I can see clearly down to the bottom of the river as though there is no water. But when I try to cross, I start to swim. So the water is there, but not drawing.
  9. Excellent news, thank you!
  10. Mandoble, I just had a few moments to double check. I discovered that I see this issue while running the ACE2 beta 2 v195 milestone. When I run without ACE2 enabled, my AH-Z1 sidewinders lock and fire perfectly.
  11. I have an issue, I cannot fire the Sidewinder from the AH-1Z. I can attain a successful lock on enemy aircraft, but pressing Left-Windows key does not fire. Testing in the A-10, AV-8, and F-35, I can lock and fire normally. Is there something I have missed? BTW, thanks for this fine addon!
  12. Along the eastern coast is where I have seen this at it's worst. I saw four to six 'herds' of 30 to 50 mixed animals each in one mission. One 'herd' standing directly on the main roadway, rather than on nearby grass area. Since we know the module doesn't need to be synced, we will explore this issue further. Thanks!
  13. I've been working with december on this issue. I didn't find any information on the 'animal' module so far. Essentially, I've been putting the animals module on the map synced to nothing. When we play, we will sometimes see what seems a nice, sparse number of random animals. Other missions, there will be hundreds of animals of all types, in very large thick 'herds'. So many that it's ridiculous. All missions made the same way in regard to the animal module, so I don't know why the different results. We've also noted that when those kinds of missions with too many animals are played, we get lots of network lag, sometimes severe. Well, ultimately we wondered if we should be syncing the animal module to a playable unit to prevent this?