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What about the Regs?!

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About What about the Regs?!

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  1. What about the Regs?!

    System Link - Concerns from an Avid Fan

    *dances in his work cubicle* Ahem. Any chance of a link so I can upgrade to the chicken dance? Thanks for the input as well, Twisted; I agree with your logic, and have the utmost faith in BIS' potential to include it. Call me jaded from seeing some Xbox games which need such a feature - i.e. Red Alert 2 - who then miss the goal by making it Live only. I can't wait to roll my brother over in a tractor. In fact, that's probably the first thing I'm going to do when I get that game. When I play, the friendly-fire-tractor-mortality rate quintuples. On a more serious note, the co-op campaign looks like it's going to be superb. ArmA has more authenticity to the OF franchise than Dragon Rising, and on an ethical note I have far more support for the original developers. While Dragon Rising will be great, and certainly a must-purchase, it was Bohemia's talent which spawned the concept in the first place. Let's just hope it's play-tested to death; Arma 1 had some hilarious moments when Vlad the plucky russian grunt could snipe my heli's co-pilot from 1,000 metres away. All that in-house bullying must really pay off when it comes to their marksmanship!
  2. What about the Regs?!

    System Link - Concerns from an Avid Fan

    Yes! At least one of them has come through thus far! I'm so happy I could kiss you, JB! :D Here's hoping ArmA 2 follows suit! EDIT: JB, where was the OF: DR information confirmed?
  3. What about the Regs?!

    System Link - Concerns from an Avid Fan

    I think since Left 4 Dead we've certainly seen a resurgence in the amount of games offering system link co-op; Resident Evil 5 being another prominent example. Back in the day when I had internet access I was a proud member of an online ArmA clan - it was great fun, and the scale was fantastic, but for my console needs (and indeed my existing gaming set-up) system-link would be a critical "must have" feature. The idea of whiling away an afternoon with 3 xboxes and three tv's side by side, giggling in sheer panic as we pop shots off at distant blurs half a mile away is too tantalising to get out of my head. I do hope somebody can answer our query.
  4. What about the Regs?!

    System Link - Concerns from an Avid Fan

    Thanks for adding your voice to mine, JB Time - funnily enough you were looking for answers alongside my older brother, awalsh47, on Codemaster's forums regarding OF: DR's system link (or potential lack thereof)! So does anyone have confirmation about whether there is System Link?
  5. What about the Regs?!

    System Link - Concerns from an Avid Fan

    I am most certain that I cannot avail of Xbox Live, due to 1) my internet connection being particularly awful - that is to say, wind-up/non-existant, and 2) my not residing in North America leaves me at the mercy of Irish broadband companies, who are conspicuous for their villainy. The logistics of acquiring Live aside, I simply prefer playing in the same room as my team. If anyone could assist me with my original query, I would very much appreciate it. Better still, if anyone could point me in the direction of an article confirming System Link compatability, I would offer you my first-born child. Kind Regards Regs
  6. What about the Regs?!

    System Link - Concerns from an Avid Fan

    Hello everyone It's a pleasure to meet you all and let me begin by saying what a superb gaming experience both OF 1 and its true spiritual successor, ArmA. My friends and I are all avid fans of this game, and rely on the System Link function offered by the Xbox 360 for all of our current gaming needs. Being poor war junkies, we cannot afford a Live account, nor indeed the excessive expenses of PC gaming. My question is simple. Will Arma 2 cater for System Link multi-player? You might let me know with all haste - our purchasing this game depends on it. Kind Regards Regs