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Posts posted by nigal

  1. On 3/28/2017 at 2:52 AM, sasha013 said:


    It's a great idea but there's a chance that BIS won't succeed in developing an AFM for other reasons, such as resources, staff etc. I don't think BIS would be willing to accept our donations should they not be 100% sure that they can deliver. 


    I imagine the development of such a model is complex and could take years? With other priorities in mind, when would it eventually be up to scratch? Maybe by that time Arma 4 will already be a finalised project, ready for release. 


    I had always thought (not sure if a lot of people will agree with this idea) that the next Arma could be released in 3 separate packages: Land, Sea and Air. Since BIS are good at releasing 'free-content' versions of premium products, they could apply the same principle to these packages. Basically, should you only purchase one of the 3, the other content will still be available but limited in usage i.e. you can't enter/use/interact with vehicles/objects/units etc. 


    In this way BIS could create separate departments in their studio, each dedicating to their own packages (such as the Air department having the time and resources in developing an AFM). Maybe each of them won't only be responsible for just units, but the design of maps/objects/wildlife etc. (Land for Earth, Air for Sky and Sea for.. well, Sea!)


    As for the economic side, yes you'll probably end up paying more, but for those who only wish to 'soldier' about with infantry units can purchase the Land package alone and probably only spend €30 (or along those lines). Of course we'll end up seeing a 'Complete Combined Arms' package which would amount to €90 (or somewhere there), using the same analogy.


    It's an idea, probably a unrealistic one, but I believe this formula could work. Or not.. :D


    The AFM for choppers (rotorlib) is a third party flight model made by RT Dynamics anyway, and they do make a fixed wing version, which is presumably good. Development doesn't seem to be a problem in that respect. Perhaps the VTOLs could mess things up a little?
    Implementation in a snakesnest of an engine like Arma's may be more of an issue.

    I'm actually really disappointed in the lack of an AFM for jets. The current flight model is really quite terrible, in fact I would say it's far worse than the old helicopter FM. which is saying something...

    Oh well, this radar better be good :down:

    edit: It seems to me that Arma is heading towards a more casual demographic, and the features that the community would have loved 10 years ago just aren't relevant any more. The DayZ/Survival template IS Arma to the majority of the game's population and FixedLib in no way supports their gameplay. They aren't looking for a FM that accurately simulates vehicles, they want something easy to fly so they can go raid that base on Exile or land effortlessly in a courtyard in KOTH. + they are especially disinterested if there is an easier, more arcadier option available. It isn't necessarily a bad thing, as the company needs funding and this is the demographic that they have, the old school arma/cwc crowd is too small to fully support them. </salt>

    • Like 2

  2. Excellent First Release  :)


    Some bugs and grammatical errors here and there but otherwise pretty convincing as a pre-alpha release.

    As a question, will we be seeing historically accurate squads in the group section? They seem fairly arbitrary at the moment, with the Germans having a 13 man squad instead of a 10 man. I also didn't think the Czech forces used grenade launchers in the late 30s, their earlier launchers being scrapped in the late 20s due to reliability issues, I could be wrong on that though. 


    Is there a specific place to send bug reports/feature requests?

    Also, send me a message if you would like a native English speaker to help proof-read and correct grammar, I feel like it could make your lives somewhat easier.  :D

  3. I know there's a way to code for checking if the player owns a particular DLC in case I want to do different player loadouts based on whether or not the player owns Apex or not (or Marksman for that matter). I assume that works the same for Apex, but I haven't checked the wiki page yet to see if Apex is numbered yet or not (I'm sure it is, just not sure if the documentation has been updated or not).


    It is, apex is 395180


    I'm working on something like this right now.


    _unit = _this select 0;
    if (local _unit) then {
    	if ((395180 in (getDLCs 1))) then{
    		_unit linkitem "O_NVGoggles_hex_F";
    	else {
    		_unit linkitem "NVGoggles_OPFOR";

    I think it will work. Still need to test. I never was good at locality...

  4. Looks good! I started a second world war mod (Based on the Battle of Crete) a while back, but I lost interest after a little while because I was on my own and I lacked the modeling and texturing background to really pull it off.

    I unfortunately lost all the work I had done to a computer formatting.


    What year/theatre of war are you basing it on? Western Europe 1944?


    If you need some help with research or making example missions let me know, otherwise I don't think I'm too useful to you :unsure:


    Good Luck!
