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About XxOptikArmYxX

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  1. XxOptikArmYxX

    Arma 2 Xbox 360/Ps 3

    I find it a bit silly because, arma 2 is already in May for Pc and appear in the console version does nothing! Well I'm not sure I've Arma 1 on a laptop yet jerky game, the worst resolution (have vista) but Crysis, I can perfectly on the half grafik qualifying play. If Arma 2 without problem on my pc is at least half of the resolution I would like to have the game for the pc buy
  2. XxOptikArmYxX

    Arma 2 Xbox 360/Ps 3

    I'm sorry fals Theard this already exists! I have a big problem and how it all comes soon wist arma2 on the market in May, I think, but I am only in possession of an xbox 360 and a ps3. And as stated on the website is for Arma 2 on next-gen console will appear but there is no news at all for the console implementation, I am in despair because I am very pleased to implement but would have been known arma2 was nothing for existirt The console does not no trailer screen shorts have a delivery, anywhere in the online store can be seen arma 2 for pc order. It suggests to me that there is nothing absolutely nothing about a console version exists, and I now finally know what to do with the console version is. Already over youtube videos you can see great gameplay, but no trailer for xbox 360, can be found at googel not even prove that it comes konsole. Can someone please mal me explain what is now with the console version is stupid! Otherwise I will soon rise to operation flash point 2 dragon rising that comes to at least 100% for the console! So please help