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About chehotela

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. ARMA 2 is simply a material for the skillful hands and clever heads. for a good game you need to properly collect PvP mission. the only hope for PR
  2. chehotela

    aas takistan

    help make AH-6X. it does not work on a dedicated server. help make for a revival. Here map http://www.fayloobmennik.net/119420 thanks:cc:
  3. chehotela

    "BattlEye Initialization Failed"

    ought today OA. and I realized that the game was done by people whose hands are growing out of ass. you'd better have saved us from errors in Arma 2. although I am sure that the henna is in your power to 8 / ---------- Post added at 07:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:01 PM ---------- I'm not confident in your professionalism. very sad gentlemen
  4. why no protection from tanks and aircraft??? This same Simulator battlefield!
  5. Whether the problem with the I7 860 processor optimization and ARMA 2
  6. I tried to configure any. don't get it. arma 2 and processor i7 860 are not compatible. We just unlucky :computer: can I solve this problem?
  7. I have one question. When the optimize processor i7860 arma2 ? CPU Core i7-860 DDR-3 4G Z0TAC GeForse GTX 295 1792Mb HDD 750 Gb samsung 23 1920x1080 8(
  8. chehotela

    New ArmA II Pictures!

    sorry for english but I will repeat the question. judging by the video and photos of homes and buildings come and there should not be defensive? They like decorations? :coop:
  9. chehotela

    Multiplayer Details

    Thanks, I understand. sorry for my english I'm from Russia :bounce3:
  10. chehotela

    Multiplayer Details

    I'm a big fan of bf2. but it has not gone through so I waited. I am interested in only the multiplayer game. what is the multiplayer game of arma2 ???
  11. chehotela

    New ArmA II Pictures!

    and that the house is just a mock-ups? they inhabited?
  12. chehotela


    how many players on the server will be? how many cards will be? when do the game on the market?