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Posts posted by sakura_chan

  1. go to your C:\Users\Carl\Documents\Arma2\ directory, there should be a file called "ArmA2.cfg". right click on it and select 'properties' - check to see if it is 'read only'. If it is, make it NOT read only. Either way after that is checked, open it up and add the line:


    at the end of the file. save it and start up arma2 and it should be fixed!

  2. just some killed eventhandlers, shouldn't be doing anything to mess it up. You don't have any modules active in your missions do you? I think its very strange that it would work for one person and not another. Seems like froggyluv had it too. The script does call on the driver of the chopper, maybe other people getting in affects the crew listing somehow? btw I am using the final release 1.03, so no beta or anything.

  3. its the same mission, just with v1.3. I'll upload a video. if no one else is having a problem maybe its just something wrong on my end? I do have some modified eventhandlers in the background, thats the only thing different from my version than anyone elses.

    ---------- Post added at 08:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:08 PM ----------

    here is the video of what is happening:


  4. I didn't save the mission after I fixed the init line ;p

    anyways, the problem is still in v1.3. here is what is happening

    scenario 1 - The AI chopper starts up, takes off and lands perfectly.

    scenario 2 - The chopper starts up, I run up to it and select "get in cargo", and the chopper suddenly turns to the waypoint (it hasn't taken off yet) and it slowly takes off without pitching or rolling (because it is setdir'd) it tries to reach the flyinheight distance but eventually stops.

  5. Is the player getting as pilot or is this MP dedi server test?

    single player. helicopter is set out on the runway, ai pilot. the engine starts up, you run over and jump in a cargo position before it can take off. As soon as you get in the script breaks. It changes direction with setdir as soon as you get in, even if the chopper isn't airborne. The chopper will take off but can not steer or accelerate. This is the old Arma1 version running in Arma2 mind you.


    \/ \/ \/ \/ \/

  6. Yes it doesn't work on land vehicles because the helicopters/planes use a script to make their smoke trails and create the craters on the ground when they crash. it also calls the right damage model. The first thing you could do is get rid of the ancient sqs format and switch to sqf which is used in arma2. To start, lets solve the problem of the script loading delay.

    1. make a new file in your vehicle's folder called startup.sqf.

    2. add this code to startup.sqf:

    if(isNil 'MY_Destruction_Effects_Init') then
    MY_Destruction_Effects_EH_Killed=compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\vbl\scripts\carwreck.sqf";

    3. Under your eventhandler section, add

    	init = "_any = _this execVM ""\vbl\scripts\startup.sqf""";

    4. set what damage model you want the vehicle to use. add:


    to your vehicles cfgvehicles section.

    5. Now set up the script to run under sqf format. carwreck.sqf:

    _v = _this select 0;
    _wreckmodel = GetText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeof _v) >> "wreck");
    if (_wreck!="") then 
    _vpos = getpos _v;
    _vdir = vectordir _v;
    _vup = vectorup _v;
    deletevehicle _v;
    _wreck = (_wreckmodel) createvehicle _vpos;
    _wreck setpos _vpos;
    _wreck setvectordirandup [_vdir,_vup];

    6. add the killed eventhandler:

    killed = "_this select 0 setVehicleInit ""[this] spawn MY_Destruction_Effects_EH_Killed"";processInitCommands";

    completely untested, but it should work!



    just a thought, the delay is probably from the damage model having errors on it, plus being uncompressed. binerizing the model would solve this.

  7. I tried your heliroute from arma1 in arma2, i was using it to land a chopper on the carrier. The only thing I found was that after the chopper started up, if you got in the chopper as cargo the script would jump to the landing sequence (setdir in one direction, no ai movement) but if you didn't get in, the chopper would freely fly to the destination and then execute a proper landing. I didn't see anything in the script that would be affected by the player getting in the chopper.

  8. I checked into the formation bugs, doesn't seem to be anything I can do on my end. They act differently than in Arma1, in Arma2 its like they are always detecting the vehicle infront of them as an obstacle that they try to drive around. The wierd thing? even the lead vehicle swerves back and forth like it is trying to steer around an invisible object. This is something that should be added to a bug tracker.

  9. Theres nothing wrong with wanting more features or getting tired of the repetitive effects. Just accept that it isn't going to change that much. I don't know how long you've been gaming, but most of the sims I've played haven't even had textures. They did however have lots of things that Arma doesn't, like real huds, missile locks, radar and whatnot. Heck old sims could blow away most new games in terms of actual core gameplay. I remember playing TFX (tactical fighter experiment), setting up a stealth fighter mission planning my flight path around the AA sites in Libya. That game is almost 16 years old and it had a better air combat element than could ever be scripted into Arma. The point of the story? The guys who built Arma actively decided to ignore some basic complexity in order to focus on what they thought was important. As someone who has modded this series a lot, I can say that to implement these goodies would take so much time that they wouldn't be able to fix the more serious bugs that have always plagued their releases. We don't have a realistic weapon tracking system but some people can't even start the game on a new computer. Its all about priorities. Also I would like to end with the statement that there isn't anything wrong with playing the Battlefield series. People always say "go play BF2" as an insult, but I love Battlefield: Bad Company very much. It has immersion and ferocity of gameplay that Arma2 could only dream about. I spend more time on Arma, but when I want to have fun I go a few rounds with BFBC, all the while cursing out the world every time I die. If only Arma had a sweet animation system like BFBC. If you took away the bunny hoping and the shooting while walking part of BFBC, it would put Arma's infantry to shame with its smooth transitions, beautiful recoil effects, fluid reloading animations (that take longer than arma2's guns btw) and vastly more realistic moving speeds. Too bad you are stuck in a narrow trench and you have hitscan weapons and junk, but thats the difference between a game and a sim I guess.

  10. So far it is worse for me with the tweak. Where roads has 90 degrees corners the car always drive straight forward full speed and into the buildings. So it doesnt slow down at all and hit the house with full force.


    I can't seem to replicate this. In my version the hummer slows down about 10m away from the turn and slowly drives through it. If you could supply a mission it would be appreciated!


    Ok, here is what the problem was. During my testing I was giving the unit a far away waypoint, so the vehicle made all the decisions about turning on its own. If, however, you manually place a waypoint at each turn, the vehicle will drive balls out though it. This is because I added "brakedistance" to my testing, and I couldn't see any effect. default is 10, I set it to 3, so the AI basically wasn't hitting the brakes and would miss the waypoint. I set it to 13 now and the problem is gone!

  11. Ok folks, this is something I started today, and I'm going to release it as an open test to the community because of the great success I've had with it. Vehicles should now have much improved path finding skills, especially in a situation where they have to turn around in a narrow street or within a forest road. Basically I tweaked the AI driving variables to the point that vehicles are able to turn more accurately, with fewer back and forth motions. The bigger trucks had a ridiculous and unrealistic turn radius making them hit everything. This has been corrected. I was able to get AI to drive for what could be called a boring amount of time, without crashing or getting stuck on fences and streetlamps.

    Officially this has only been tested on the HMMVV and the MTVR, but the principles are the same for most vehicles. There MAY be some bad effects on the civilian cars, as I have not tweaked their variables completely. If you would like to help, if you find that the AI driving breaks when using this mod, shoot me a copy of the mission so I can further study the situation. Here is the link http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=a54b8a5cbcab5132e7c82ed4b8f0c380e04e75f6e8ebb871 (sakudriver.zip)

    mirrors are ok, I plan on releasing a more complete version later on.

  12. what about AI? There are vehicles with 3-4 mgs but the AI wasnt able to target and fire at enemies with more than one mg.
    In Arma1, the units can only fire at a target that the main gunner can see, so if the gunner is facing forward the passenger seat guy will simultaneously engage targets while the tailgate gunner tries to turn around. In Arma2, using the vodnak (sp?) car as an example, the gunners facing front AND back are able to fire independently. Another difference is that in Arma1 AI would not board the seats of secondary guns (even on the stock vehicles like the uh-60) but in Arma2 this has apparently been fixed. I haven't tried it, but you could actually switch between being a normal passenger and going to gunner mode using the turn in/turn out system. heck you could even roll down the window because there is a 'hatch' animation associated with it.