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Posts posted by sakura_chan

  1. Um if you are a noob at scripting, making a walking mech is about the hardest thing you could want to do. I don't mean to discourage you, but at best an experienced modder could make a comical machine that rolls around like its on ice skates. Why not try something easier like a tracked mech, or a flying 'mobile armor' with some fun weapons? you could make them really big or fast and would be just as fun as using a walker. :)

  2. As above .... loving your work Sakura_Chan. Where do you get all this time to recode this stuff? Wherever it is from KEEP ON GOING !!!

    Its a combination of

    a) using stuff I've made over the years in my spare time

    b) unscheduled employment interruption

    c) insomnia

    Updated the post with a video, how do I embed a youtube video btw?

  3. I never liked the super weird smoke effect given off by the Arma2 guns. It was mostly the fact that the smoke didn't move in the direction that you were firing, it always moved straight in front of you, even if you were aiming straight up. It was also WAY too visible, and as a gun user it was very unrealistic to me. I made this effect based on some videos I made of me shooting my SKS, so it is at least based on a military rifle. It isn't as intense as it should be for machine guns, but all rifles have to use the same effect unfortunately.

    Mirrors are appreciated!


    Thank you Armaholic!


    neat embedding, thanks Deadfast!

    edit***might as well post a screen of my test platform lol


    these loader clips are usually 10 rounds, but due to Canadian law only 5 shots are allowed, so we just cut them in half. The gun is also modified to only allow 5 rounds.

    It could be changed to 10 but I keep everything legal.


    This thing is LOUD. I mean stupid loud. very little kick though.

  4. This addon was created to enhance the night lighting effects of Arma2. Here is what is contained within the addon:


    - Dim and yellow military style headlights for vehicles

    - fixed missing green blinking light on Osprey

    - new colors and sizes for aircraft positional lights

    - removed ugly lighting on aircraft, lights were really bugged and didn't add anything so I removed them

    - new light cones for streetlamps

    - new light cones for directional lights (headlights)

    - reduced effect and range of searchlight

    - increased campfire/burning barrel/fireplace smoke and fire effects

    - reduced campfire/burning barrel/fireplace light brightness and changed color to a soft orange





    I also recommend using my sun and light flare mod


    but it is not necessary.

    Link - Mirrors are appreciated!


    Thanks goes to Armaholic!

    This addon is fully signed and includes my key, so servers can enjoy better nv goggle missions too.

  5. You could get it working for the su34 and the A10 if you added their classes to your config and manually added your eventhandler. The Su34 and A10 are different from all other arma2 units because they don't inherit the 'defaulteventhandlers' but have the same code posted manually in their eventhandler section.
