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Posts posted by sakura_chan

  1. Seeing this great plane addon reminded me of an old addon I was working on. It is the bis harrier with an improved model and whatnot, but the main thing was I tried to implement some stuff like high-G frame buffeting, basic pilot G-force effects and parallax free huds. I also wanted to simulate the way a pilot's head moves when the plane is off keel or going into a dive/climb. Would you be interested in including something like this in your mod? It could be integrated into your scripts pretty easily if you are already calculating aoa or gforces. I would tone down the effect a bit, it is kind of exaggerated in the video:


  2. I'm just about ready to delete this whole thing. There is absolutely NO LOGIC to this bug!!! Nothing makes sense!!! There is no common connection between geometry that works and geometry that doesn't work. Even duplicating identical geometry will break it, so I thought "maybe its a polygon count restriction!" so I reduce the polygon count and it still breaks!!! Its not the size, surface area or textures/rvmats, so WTF can it be? I some how managed to get something working in the tiniest sliver of random luck, but as soon as I add any new geometry (just need enough to cover the last little bit of the recticle that is visible outside of the sight) it breaks down completely. I'm going to take a day or two off from this because it is driving me insane.

  3. So close to getting it working in Arma2. Not to bore people outside of the o2 editing section, but there is something very different and bugged about the way a gun's pilot view lod uses alpha channels. The very geometric shape and texture coordinates of an object using alpha channels can make the gun draw BEHIND the soldiers hands. I can make flat panels that use alphas, but if I make a cone/cylinder, it craps up the whole thing. This is a very specific bug, so specific its almost like they built the engine to intentionally make these sights impossible. I really don't understand why it works the way it does, but I have locked down most of the rules for making gun sights properly. I should have a workable test release soon!

  4. This one doesn't work with ATI cards - you always see the cross floating on the screen no matter if you're zoomed in or not.

    Not true, I made it and I have an ATI card. I've tried transferring it to Arma2, but there is something different about using alpha textures on guns so I haven't got it working right just yet.

  5. I liked the old dim streetlights, plus I didn't want to make it give one player an advantage over someone who didn't have the mod. I could easily release a second version that could allow the user to set up the brightness from an external .hpp file. That way everyone could set it up just the way they want. Oh and btw, those aren't my lights, I didn't touch the streetlight brightness or color values at all, so they are BIS lights ;)

  6. Wow it will be strange to fly a plane in Arma with an actual working cockpit! Finally I won't have to stick to 3rd person view just to avoid the ofp-era cockpit textures and half working instruments. This looks like an amazing plane, I hope someone could make a mini-campaign for it, just like that amazing MIG-15 for Arma1. One random thought, could you make your plane so that it doesn't display any default hud info like damage or weapons, as it would take away the function of the cockpit a bit. I could turn it off easily, but I need it for other units that don't give you any info.
